
Violence as tool for survival

When someone says „survivalist“ or „prepper“ most of the folks see man with whole bunch of weapons. Lot of people see us as a guys who are „trigger happy“ people.

To some point it is true, and I strongly believe that preppers and survivalists need to be armed very good, and educated about use of weapons too. They are tools for certain situations.

But using violence is completely different thing, or to be more accurate decision to use violence and to what extent is big thing, and very often usage of weapon can mean death to you too, so choose wisely.

To be ready to use violence on fast and efficience way requires lot of things, things like training, choose of right weapon-force, will to use it and also need to use it.

I have seen many situations where people get killed simply because they choose to use violence in situation when violence was not only option, or was not best option. Simply situation could be solved with other means, not with weapons and violence.

It is about survival, and when there is a risk of losing your life if you choose violence, be ready to look for other solutions.

It may sound to you maybe like „weak“ thing but point is to have your weapon ready, but to look first for other options of solving the problems.

Consider what you and the other side can win or lose

When SHTF conflicts with people were everyday thing, and if I chose to solve everything with violence I would not be here to write about it. It is simple matter of numbers and chances. Remember you are not Rambo and it is not a movie.

It is simple bargaining, what you can win and what you can lose. Other side too.

I remember more than once that I „talked out“ guys from my door by „showing“ them how many of them gonna die if they choose to attack me.

First impulse was to shoot of course, but it is cheaper to try with words. Of course sometimes did not work, and that is what is weapon for.

Be trained and ready, but not trigger happy

Weapon is nothing without your hand to operate it. So learn how to use weapon in closest conditions to real one. It is not about target practice only. It is about tremendous stress and messy situations.

Forget about scenes when two good guys shooting from assault rifles at bad guys and talking about what they had for lunch with big fat smiles on their faces. It is movie.

In real life it is messy, loud, often confused and most important is that good guys getting killed too.

What is wrong with world today?

Clearly something is wrong with everything today no matter where you are living. And if you are prepper you are definetly aware of that fact, and you are aware that it is probably going to get worse too.

What you can do? You can be prepared, armed, stashed with water, food and ammo and everything else.

But also you can do more, you can talk with the people about what is wrong. You can try to solve some problems maybe, you can get some sense in your family member or in your good friend maybe.

Why we are ruled by idiots (mostly), why crime rate is rising, why there is a more unemployed everywhere.

I am not talking here about going out and saying to the folks that you are prepper, I am saying about going out and talk with the folks about making some changes maybe. To raise awareness that something is wrong and get them out of their “bubble”.

Armed revolution

I know many of you have little trust in government. I also dont trust them. Recent poll in the US showed 29% of people even think about armed revolution and that it is necessary.

I also believe as prepper and survivalist in every situation knowing more options is better. That’s why I recommend you read “From dictatorship to democracy”. It is free book by Gene Sharp, who was nominated for Nobel peace price, that shows step by step how to undermine government and start non violent revolution.

It served as blueprint for many non violent revolutions in recent years. You can also find documentary about it online.

It is about getting educated and knowing more and later having more options. I try to share my knowledge here on blog and in my course, and later on once SHTF people like you who learn more now have big advantage.

In this book there is much about how to create a movement, something that can become useful even in local community.

You do not have to agree with all things in this book, I do not, but knowing it gives you more options.

More flexibility to think and that makes you stronger and increases chances for survival for you and your loved ones.

Violence yes or no?

Violence is not the solution. It is the last resort. Do not get me wrong, I have seen way too much violence, and did too much too.

But it is survival. Does it change anything? Well I am alive and ready to do more violence, and how all looks everywhere I will probably need to do it again.

I am saying that maybe there is a way to break endless circle of that violence with educating ourselfs to look and reckognize what is going on around us.

We are living in the world where we are bombarded from media that violence is kinda normal way of life. But if you stop for a moment and think about it you ll see that violence can not be normal.

At the end, again do not get me wrong I am perfectly ready and I will blow brain of some gang member or drug addict out who attack my home and my family, SHTF or no SHTF.

I just trying to check is there are other solutions to move that drug addict, or gang member far away before they reach my home, or to make SHTF hard to happen if you like.

How do you think about using violence?

By Admin

I grew up in Silicon Valley in the 60's and 70's, took on the tech challenge and has migrated to Seattle in the early 90's. I'm a world traveler, photographer, scuba diver and musician with credits including patent awards. I'm also well known for my abiity to help others as a life coach with my ability to "cut through the #$&*" and get to the problem.

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