Compilation of the 2013 Conspiracies…

December 5, 2013

Bitcoin: Start of the NWO?

By Anthony Moreno
November 28, 2013 11:01AM

As the first “cryptocurrency,” Bitcoin has been championed as a way of having money bypass the clutches of central authorities.

Though only a few businesses are accepting Bitcoin as payment, it is already being widely used for currency exchange and trade. One draw of Bitcoin is that central banks have no control over the flow of money, which theoretically puts monetary exchange in the hands of the people.

Though Bitcoin advertises freedom, what if it is simply a ruse set up by the New World Order to control us?


The Conspiracy Against Women

By Lyz Lenz
November 22, 2013 11:16PM

A conspiracy to limit the rights of women started as tradition and then became codified into law.

The legal tradition brought over to North America from Europe stipulated that if a woman was married, she had no separate legal existence apart from her husband.

She was a <i>feme covert</i>, literally a covered woman, and a dependent. She couldn’t own property, sign legal documents, testify in a court of law, or manage her own money. If her husband died, she was not allowed to be the uncontested legal guardian of her own children.



It’s no secret that women have historically been denied the right to vote.

Long considered the inferior sex, women were denied suffrage because they were overly emotional creatures whose place was in the home. In 1910, National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage published a pamphlet that argued women should not be allowed to vote because, among others reasons, “90 percent of the women either do not want to, or do not care” and “80 percent of the women eligible to vote are married and can only double or annul their husband’s votes.”

But the most persuasive reason for denying women suffrage was because “you do not need a ballot to clean out your sink spout.” Whatever that means.



Ventura: “Three Tramps” At JFK Assassination Were Fakes

By Brian Fairbanks
November 21, 2013 11:38PM

In his latest book, They Killed Our President, bestselling author Jesse Ventura explores 63 reasons he believes there is a conspiracy behind the JFK assassination, which happened 50 years ago this month.

Here is our final excerpt from that book, covering the unsolved mystery of the three “tramps” picked up by police after Kennedy’s death and who, for years, have been the center of speculation as to their real identities, motives and association with the government.


Another issue that stirred controversy was that several photographs were taken of three men who were arrested shortly after the assassination. In point of fact, they never were arrested, but they appear to be in custody and look to be led down the street by officers.

But there are a lot of weird things that researchers noticed about those photographs. The men were reportedly “three tramps” who police had found inside the boxcar of a freight train near the spot where Kennedy was killed. But they didn’t actually look like tramps. For example, they had very good shoes. If you look closely at the photos, the cops who are with them seem very relaxed; too relaxed, in some observers’ opinions. If you look online by searching “JFK three tramps,” you’ll see what I mean. [Ed. note: See above.]


New Book: LBJ Is “The Man Who Killed Kennedy”

By Brian Fairbanks
November 20, 2013 11:20PM

Roger Stone, known alternately as one of Nixon’s “Dirty Tricksters” or the self-proclaimed “GOP hitman” who helped take down Eliot Spitzer, is back and taking on one of America’s greatest mysteries: the JFK assassination.

In his new book (published just in time for the 50th anniversary of Kennedy’s death), Stone focuses on one plotter as “The Man Who Killed Kennedy”: Lyndon Johnson.

While numerous, popular conspiracy theories involving LBJ and JFK have been debunked, namely the one about LBJ and Nixon attending a party together the night before and prophesying the end of the Kennedy clan, Stone sticks to his guns for more than 350 pages before coming upon his supposedly most damning piece of evidence…


Rumored: Google Lie Detector E-Tattoo

By Anthony Moreno
November 19, 2013 11:13PM

Google’s newest patent is reportedly an electronic “tattoo” that changes color if a person happens to be lying. Our first question: what can it do in the wrong hands?

For now, the device is far from a reality. Google, through its Motorola Mobility division, has only filed an application for the patent, and many patents (if not most) fail to become anything more than just that.

In fact, companies will oftentimes file them to secure their rights over one bit of technology and aren’t necessarily interested in the whole shebang.


Why Healthcare Is So Expensive

By Blogger 51
November 15, 2013 11:11AM

As the Affordable Care Act rolls in, for the first time all Americans will have adequate access to healthcare.

Many argue that the law is imperfect, and most agree that it will do little to curb the sky-high costs associated with the healthcare industry throughout our country.

By 2020, healthcare programs are expected to represent 32 percent of our domestic spending. No single reason is to blame and not one band-aid measure will fix this…


The Uninsured Are Forced to Turn to the ER

As of 2012, 15% of the population is uninsured.

Many times, their sole recourse for medical treatment is the emergency room, the only place where hospitals are not allowed to turn away patients even if they cannot pay.

In a historic economic downturn where the poor are ever poorer (and the rich ever happier for it), uninsured patients will go to the ER even just for a migraine, get charged $800, and then never manage to pay off the bill.


Did WHO Profit From H1N1 Scare?

By Norma Lee Jennings
November 11, 2013 11:56AM

With the latest cold and flu season upon us, we thought back to the H1N1 pandemic scare a couple of years ago.

At the time, we were as frightened of a worldwide outbreak as the next person and prepared to inject any government-sanctioned antiviral into our arms. Thankfully, as it turns out, the H1N1 “pandemic” was blown way out of proportion. Reports indicate that the WHO (World Health Organization) prematurely cried pandemic and pressured governments to stockpile vaccines.

These same reports have demonstrated hidden linkages between some WHO officials in charge of managing the pandemic and pharmaceutical companies who made H1N1 antiviral drugs.

Does this mean that the WHO created the H1N1 virus, released it into unsuspected populations, and then waited for the Big Pharma kickbacks to come rolling in?


EXCLUSIVE: Suspicious Scientology Deaths That May Be Murders

By Blogger 51
November 6, 2013 11:18PM

Since its founding in 1953 by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, the Church of Scientology has been a controversial organization.

While it is legally recognized as a tax-exempt religious organization in the United States, it is merely a non-profit in Norway, and the French parliament called it a dangerous cult. Perhaps one of the most controversial allegations dogging the Church is its purported link to several mysterious deaths of its members and former members.

Though the Internet is ablaze with rumors, the Church of Scientology has never been conclusively linked to any of these deaths (and few of them were even considered to be homicides in the first place). The Church has discredited rumors of foul play on a case-by-case basis. “The Way to Happiness,” a 21-step guide to better living written by Hubbard himself very specifically states that “the way to happiness does not include murdering.”


Lisa McPherson

One of the most notorious deaths tied to Scientology, Lisa McPherson was a member of the church who dared ask for psychiatric help after a car accident in 1995. Instead of placing her within a hospital, McPherson was put in the care of the Ft. Harrison Hotel, Scientology’s flagship building in Clearwater, FL. Seventeen days later, she was dead.

Her death spawned protests outside of the Church’s headquarters, a lawsuit from her family accusing the Church of negligence, and prosecution from the Pinellas State Attorney’s office. The Church was charged with a second degree felony for practicing medicine without a license and abuse of a disabled adult, but the charges were soon dropped when the medical examiner changed the cause of death from unknown to accidental.

Marty Rathbun, the former second-in-command of the Church, alleges that the examiner did not act of her own will but was bribed by the Church into changing the cause of death. Seven years later, the McPherson estate settled a wrongful death suit with the Church out of court.


Susan Meister

A dedicated member of the Church of Scientology in the 1970s, Susan Meister worked her way into Sea Org, an order of the church’s most dedicated members, and onto the <i>Apollo</i>, the flagship of Scientology’s fleet of ships where L. Ron Hubbard lived. A few months later, Meister’s family received a call saying that she had committed suicide.

Her father, George Meister, asked that his daughter’s body be flown back to the U.S. for proper burial. An unidentified person who claimed to represent the Church and told moving his daughter’s corpse would not be possible, that the Scientologists would bury her in Morocco…


6 Conspiracy Theories About the LAX Shooting

By Anthony Moreno
November 5, 2013 11:48PM

Paul Anthony Ciancia, the alleged gunman in the Los Angeles International Airport shooting, was a nutty lone wolf gone postal, according to the official story.

Currently gravely injured, he has not been able to deny or verify the law enforcement theory that he’s an anti-government goofball who was targeting TSA agents. All they have to go on are eyewitness accounts and the anti-government literature he was allegedly carrying.

His manifesto mentioned the New World Order, fiat currency and the Federal Reserve, which suggests he may believe that the world’s elite are conspiring against us. (Already, there are larger anti-government sects across the country forming that can be as lethal as Ciancia is alleged to be.)

Of course, the conflicting reports on Ciancia and the quickness in which conspiracy theorists label any tragedy a false flag has people wondering if the LAX shooting was somehow staged or fabricated.

Here are six questions people think are worth asking:


1. Was the CIA Involved?

Ciancia, when broken down, spells out CIA-n-CIA. Knowing that people would assume they were involved, given their history of shady operations, why would the CIA purposely plant something so obvious in their presumed patsy?


Was Woman’s Fainting Episode Staged?

By Anthony Moreno
October 29, 2013 10:07PM

Everything is a conspiracy theory for detractors of President Obama. So, it was only natural that when the Commander in Chief caught a pregnant woman who was about to faint during an Obamacare speech, the anti-Obama contingent saw her placement behind the President during a pivotal address as some sort of setup.

Add this to the ever-growing list of Barack Obama conspiracy theories; there’s enough of them to fill the Qur’an three times over. You know, the holy book the president supposedly holds in greater esteem than our Constitution?

Video footage shows Karmel Allison, who has Type 1 diabetes and is currently pregnant, a supporter of Obamacare, standing directly behind the POTUS before becoming lightheaded. Along with a few of the other people present, Obama holds onto Allison as she seems to be on the brink of falling over. The president jokes: “This happens when I talk too long.”


Los Angeles Fights To Become GMO-Free

By Anthony Moreno
October 23, 2013 10:51PM

Genetically modified organisms are no longer welcome in L.A. if a motion before the city council passes. The proposal, introduced by council members, would lead to a government-sanctioned ordinance, officially “banning” GMOs in Los Angeles.

It’s not exactly an airtight measure, though, as foods containing GMO ingredients would still be available for purchase at grocery stores. But David King, head of the Learning Garden and Seed Library of L.A. and one of the champions of the motion, believes its largely symbolic purpose is a step in the right direction.


Brazilian Government Finds NSA Solution

By Anthony Moreno
October 21, 2013 10:51PM

Brazil plans to do what most of us wish we had the power to get away with: it’s putting a stop to the NSA.

The South American nation doesn’t have the political clout necessary to stop NSA’s alleged snooping once and for all, so it’s building its own NSA-proof future.

Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff hasn’t wavered after expressing disdain for PRISM and America’s “out-of-control” spy network. She has all the reason to be irked, of course, after a series of Edward Snowden leaks revealed that the NSA had hacked Brazil’s email and phone records, spied on the financial secrets of its state-run oil company Petrobas, and had eavesdropped on her.


Anti-Government Combat Units Go Live

By Anthony Moreno
October 11, 2013 10:23AM

The Oath Keepers bill themselves as being a non-partisan group made up of current and former military, police, and first responders, as part of a plan to “defend the Constitution.” Alarmingly, these reactionaries have been arming themselves to the teeth and vow to defend the country from, you guessed it, the United States government.

Recently, they announced the creation of Civilization Preservation units, structured much like U.S. Special Forces. Each unit is made up of a 12-person team, includingmedics, operations leaders, a commander, as well as combat engineers and experts.

With enough of these teams, the Oath Keepers would work with other veteran organizations across the American landscape as a de-facto fighting force. In other words, they’re ready to take on the government… if it comes to that.


Giant Pyramid Tied To Atlantis Found In Ocean

By Anthony Moreno
October 7, 2013 10:23PM

Researchers are baffled at how a pyramid 60 meters tall and with a square base wider than a football stadium ended up at the bottom of the Atlantic.

Though scientists have yet to study the object, many internet conspiracy theorists agree that the pyramid’s dimensions and remote location could mean it is part of the lost city of Atlantis. Unfortunately, there’s no way to confirm or deny this… yet.


Ventura: Technology Confirms Oswald Told Truth

By Blogger 51
October 2, 2013 10:34PM

In Jesse Ventura’s new book, They Killed Our President: 63 Facts That Prove a Conspiracy to Kill JFK, the ex-Governor lays out a damning case against the official story of President Kennedy’s assassination.

In this, the fourth in a series of excerpts from the book, Ventura discusses the recorded video and audio evidence documenting Oswald’s protestations of innocence after the murder.


If you haven’t heard the clip where Oswald proclaims his innocence, you should really listen closely to it.

It’s right here on the Internet: “Lee Harvey Oswald declares ‘I’m just a patsy’”. What you see and hear on that clip is a man who seems genuinely confused about the circumstances of his arrest, yet stringently maintains his innocence. He asked for legal representation which, he claimed, was denied. He acknowledges he was in that Book Depository building but points out that he works there, so of course he was there. He denies shooting anyone and says that he was “a patsy”; that he was set up. It’s pretty powerful stuff.

Well, it occurred to some very savvy researchers, that technologies even by the mid-1970s had improved a great deal since 1963 and they had yet to be applied to the case of the Kennedy assassination. So they took the clearly recorded voice of Oswald saying those things and subjected it to the latest voice technologies.

Psychological Stress Evaluation (PSE) is a scientific method of measuring voice stress. It measures and registers the stress level of the person as they say each word. PSE testing was actually developed by experts in the intelligence



Ventura: “Too Many Bullets” In Official JFK Story

By Blogger 51
October 1, 2013 10:46PM

The Warren Commission said that only three shots were fired at Dealey Plaza. Three shots, huh? Well then how come there is proof of at least two more and likely even three?

Do you remember the name Roy Kellerman? He was the Secret Service agent in charge on the ground in Dallas. He was the guy sitting right in front of President Kennedy; the one who screamed at the driver to get them out of the line of fire. He was the guy who knew what was going on better than anybody; the Special Agent-in-Charge of the White House Secret Service Detail.

The official testimony of Roy Kellerman blew the doors off of the Warren Commission. He basically looked right at ’em and told them that once the limousine had gone into the kill zone of Dealey Plaza that he knew they had driven right into an ambush, taking fire from all over the place, that “a flurry of shells came into the car” and that they were definitely wrong about their gunshot total because “there had to be more than three shots, gentleman.”

As you might imagine, Roy Kellerman was not a real popular guy with members of the Warren Commission.

They minimized his testimony as much as they could, even though, quite admirably, Mr. Kellerman refused to buckle under to the obvious pressure and would not conform to the official government version. He told the truth instead…


Ventura: Impossible That Oswald Shot Kennedy

By Blogger 51
October 1, 2013 10:44AM

Jesse Ventura’s new book, They Killed Our President: 63 Facts That Prove a Conspiracy to Kill JFK, presents a far-reaching and startlingly case against the official story of President Kennedy’s assassination.

In this second in a series of excerpts from the book, Ventura presents information that he claims shows Oswald could not have realistically fired the shots — any shots — at John F. Kennedy.


A couple minutes after President Kennedy had been shot, a clerical supervisor was returning to her office on the second floor of the lunch room in the Texas School Book Depository building. Her statement said that on the way to her office, she saw an employee who she knew, Lee Harvey Oswald; that he had a Coca-Cola bottle in his hand and seemed very calm.

Her exact words were, “I had no thoughts or anything of him having any connection with it all because he was very calm.”

She had no reason to lie. She was just saying what she saw. That was all she could recall about him at that time, as there was a lot going on. But those were the two things about seeing Oswald on the second floor that afternoon that she clearly remembered. That he was very calm and had a Coca-Cola bottle in his hand. Remember that. If you’ve studied this like I have, you’re now a “juror for history”; and those are two things that you’ll need to remember later.


Ventura: Impossible That Oswald Shot Kennedy – Page 2

By Blogger 51
October 1, 2013 10:43AM

Independent researchers tried it and reached quite different conclusions:

Alternative, independent calculations say that, if Oswald had really been a gunman, he could not have reached the lunchroom in time for the meeting with the policeman.

Numerous studies have substantiated that, by any realistic standard, Oswald could not have done it and even if he had, certainly would not have been so calm, cool, and collected when seen right after the assassination.  It’s quite logical to assume that any person would exhibit some sense of anxiousness after just having killed the President of the United States and wounding the Governor.  Especially after racing down the stairs afterwards, sweating would be expected, rapid breathing would be expected, and excitement would be expected.  But none of the aforementioned were present in the calm and composed Lee Harvey Oswald…


Ventura: Facts Surrounding JFK Assassination Still Hidden

By Blogger 51
September 30, 2013 9:16PM

In his new book They Killed Our President: 63 Facts That Prove a Conspiracy to Kill JFK, Jesse Ventura lays out a damning case against the official story of President Kennedy’s assassination.

In this first in a series of excerpts from the book, Ventura rounds out his arguments by making his boldest claim: most Americans have never seen the evidence that will prove once and for all that a conspiracy acted and successfully completed the shooting.


Eighty percent of the American people still refuse to believe the Warren Commission’s conclusion that President Kennedy was murdered by one “lone nut” gunman. Because—to put it bluntly—we’re not stupid!

I’ve made this point before as I’ve gone around the country speaking and teaching, and it bears repeating:

During my first year as governor, I caused a pretty big stir when I told an interviewer from Playboy that I did not believe the official conclusion on Oswald. I think I may have been the highest ranking official who ever said that, at least publicly. I started by simply applying common sense. If Oswald was who they told  us he was—a Marine private who gets out of the Marine Corps and decides to defect to the Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War, then comes back home with a Russian wife and does minimum-wage jobs—why would any records need to be locked away in the National Archives because of “national security” for seventy-five years?


Fingerprint System Makes Fifth Amendment “Obsolete”

By Anthony Moreno
September 24, 2013 9:49AM

No one else on the planet has the fingerprints you do, making your prints the most private thing you own. But these unique identifiers might work against you if Apple’s new identification system becomes the industry standard. It is, in fact, a technology that could undermine the Fifth Amendment.

Recently, Apple unveiled a biometric system for the iPhone which makes it possible for users to unlock their phone via fingerprint identification. Convenient, right?

Unless someone wants to hack off your pinky, you would have the comfort of knowing that no one can breach your phone. Even better: you wouldn’t run the risk of forgetting a password―you are the password.

But here’s where it gets dicey.


Bad Moon Rising: 10 Bizarre Lunar Conspiracy Theories

By Brian Fairbanks
September 20, 2013 9:31PM

Guest Post written by Blogger 51.

Since 2007, the Sussex, UK police have increased its security presence during the full moon as a way to crack down on the violent assaults and similar criminal acts that occur more often during a full moon.

The police spokesperson said of the department’s lunar policing strategy: “Research carried out by us has shown a correlation between violent incidents and full moons.”

New Zealand Justice Minister Annette King attributed her country’s rise in murders a recent full moon “when there genuinely is [sic] some unusual things that have happened.” A local police inspector backed her up: “Researchers thought it [increased criminality during a full moon] was possibly linked to an historic urge that prompted our early ancestors to hunt and gather food by taking advantage of moonlight.”

These are not the only signs that the moon is more than what it seems…



The 13 Worst Religious Charlatans and Fake Gurus

By Norma Lee Jennings
September 17, 2013 9:15AM

Sai Baba

This Indian guru was known for miracle healings, clairvoyance, bilocation, and materializing objects, and is venerated by millions of followers worldwide even after his 2011 death. But this famous guru is not without controversy.

Since the 1970s, skeptics have suggested all is not as it seems with Baba. British journalist Mick Brown investigated Baba and found that the people who Baba claimed to have “resurrected” from the dead were either still dead or denied, um, having ever died. A documentary accused him (without proof) of being “not just a fraud, but a dangerous sexual abuser.”

No charges were leveled against Sai Baba in his lifetime and the guru compared his accusers to the “cawing of crows.”


Peter Popoff

One of the most (in)famous televangelists, Peter Popoff made a name for himself by his seemingly miraculous ability to talk to God. On his weekly television show in the 1980s, he would routinely state the specific addresses and illnesses of people in the audience, then “cure” them.

According to the man who eventually exposed him, Popoff was making around $4 million a year throughout the 1980s. Then, in 1987, James Randi discovered that Popoff wore an earpiece onstage and his wife transmitted bits of information about unsuspecting audience members that she collected before the performance.

Popoff admitted that his wife “occasionally” gave him names of audience members.



Pentagon: 75,000 Troops Needed To Disarm Syria

By Anthony Moreno
September 11, 2013 9:27PM

As precarious as the situation in Syria has been, it seems that it has cooled down considerably, as Bashar al-Assad may fork over his country’s chemical weapons.

It’s just as well, because reports show that the Pentagon has known for over a year that it would take 75,000 ground troops to seize the chemical agents from the Middle East country.


5 Conspiracy Theories About Syria

By Norma Lee Jennings
September 9, 2013 9:01PM

Since the end of August, when nearly 1,500 Syrians were killed with chemical weapons, our Nobel Peace Prize-winning president has been drumming up support for his casus belli, or reason for war.

Obama has declared that the use of chemical weapons is a “red line” that countries are not allowed to cross, even when engaging in a long and bloody civil war, as Syria is. The Geneva Protocol has prohibited the use of chemical and biological weapons since 1925, and some of Obama’s rhetoric to support his casus belli is that the U.S. has a duty to uphold this particular aspect of the international laws of war.

For the past dozen years the U.S. has been involved in constant overseas warfare. That may account for the lack of popular support for a military intervention into Syria, despite the fact that over 100,000 Syrians have been killed in the past two years of civil war, according to UN estimates.

But just as the need to protect the world from WMDs was Bush’s fabricated casus belli for the disastrous invasion of Iraq, it is possible that Obama’s chemical weapons casus belli could be fabricated as well.

Conspiracy theorists are not denying the deaths of 1,500 people, they are simply saying that the cause of these deaths might not be as simple as Syrian President Bashar al-Assad turning chemical weapons on his citizens…


Stuffed Blue-Skinned Dog Possible Chupacabra

By Anthony Moreno
September 4, 2013 9:25PM

Could the chupacabra be an animal with the hide of an elephant, eyes like blue stones, a pronounced overbite, and the body of a dog?

Well, so alleges a Texas nutritionist who had the only available carcass of the blue-skinned freak turned into a display piece. The unconvinced think it looks like nothing more than an odd-looking pooch with a case of mange.

Phylis Canion discovered the oddity back in 2007, dead on the side of the road overlooking her ranch. Before dying, the beast was making a meal out of Canion’s chickens. It dined on the poultry by tearing apart their necks and feasting on the blood. This is what convinced Canion that the animal might be the mythical Chupacabra. (Because no other carnivore enjoys the taste of blood apparently.)


Back To School: 14 Huge Education Scandals

By Blogger 51
August 30, 2013 8:58AM

Welcome back, American children! The idea that your kids are protected by harmless do-gooder teachers and administrators is, we hate to tell you so bluntly, a total myth.

Here are the biggest scandals in American educational history… and they’re all very recent, which means you should look out for signs of this kind of trouble brewing as the school year unfolds…


No Child Left Behind

Testing has long been part of the educational system, but so-called “high-stakes testing” was mandated by the federal government after 2002’s No Child Left Behind act. Using annual test results as the primary benchmark, the federal government used NCLB to dole out rewards and punishments to public schools nationwide.

By giving good schools and good teachers big financial rewards, performance was supposed to improve or schools would be closed.

Unsurprisingly, this system has created a huge incentive for teachers and administrators to help students cheat on annual exams.


The Cheating Algorithm
The 2005 book Freakonomics did a lot to expose the endemic nature of cheating in public school testing. Author Steven Levitt revealed a computer algorithm that found identical strings of consecutive (correct) answers to multiple choice tests in Chicago public schools.

The “cheating algorithm” also detected spikes in performance followed by declines that were unlikely if the children had genuinely improved. A dozen Chicago teachers were reportedly fired as a direct result of Levitt’s investigation.


Rumored Alien Cathedral Captured In Photos

By Norma Lee Jennings
August 28, 2013 8:56PM

image courtesy of Google Maps

Strange things can be found in the deserts of New Mexico.

Besides Roswell, there is Trementina Base, a super-secret compound run by the Church of Scientology. Though the general public has known the existence of Trementina Base since its construction in the 1980s, it is only this summer that The Daily Mail was able to take close-up aerial photos of the compound showing a deserted, but well-maintained area.

Trementina Base appears to have four main components: a mile long runaway; a terra-formed symbol created with two overlapping circles, each with a diamond in them; a “welcome center” with an evaporated man-made pond; and a three-story house built into the side of the cliff. One their own, each of these structures appears to be more or less innocuous, but when taken together they potentially provide visual evidence of secrets the Church of Scientology would like better left unsaid.


CIA Finally Admits Existence of Area 51

By Norma Lee Jennings
August 20, 2013 8:57PM

Documents recently declassified by the CIA not only officially acknowledge the existence of the mysterious Area 51, but they point toward alien activity as having taken place on the base.

In 2005, Jeffrey T. Richelson, a senior fellow at the National Security Archives, used the Freedom of Information Act to request information on U2 spy planes and other forms of covert aerial surveillance. A mere eight years later he received a slightly redacted version of the history of two surveillance programs: U2 and OXCART.  The technology for both of these programs was designed and tested at Area 51.

Area 51 is officially an airport located next to Groom Lake, approximately 80 miles from Las Vegas. It began as a gunnery range during World War II, and quickly evolved into a super-secret airfield in the early years of the Cold War. The area, however, gained most of its notoriety because of its rumored relationship with UFOs and other extraterrestrial knowledge. While many top secret UFO sites around the world, Area 51 is by far the most famous.


Alleged $35 Million Medicare Fraud Reveals Doomed System

By Norma Lee Jennings
August 19, 2013 8:19PM

There are a lot of ways hospitals can rip you off, but this one puts them all to shame. According to the Feds, a Michigan doctor allegedly diagnosed cancer-free patients with the disease so that he could give them unnecessary chemotherapy and defraud Medicare to the tune of $35 million.

Currently Dr. Farid Fata is being held on a $9 million bond for health care fraud. If convicted, he could spend 20 years in jail.

How could a licensed medical practitioner steal $35 million from Medicare over a two year period? The FBI claims Dr. Fata misdiagnosed patients with cancer just so that he could bill Medicare for their treatment. In other words, he told healthy people to go through the hell of chemotherapy just to enrich himself in one of the country’s highest-paying professions.

Dr. Fata also reportedly prescribed chemotherapy to end-of-life cancer patients for whom the chemo’s nasty side-effects made their last days torturous. (Dr. Fata’s lawyers deny any evidence of misdiagnosis or Medicare fraud.)

Though these patients did indeed have cancer, the chemo did not cure the disease or prolong their lives…


Pentagram Etched In Earth

By Norma Lee Jennings
August 9, 2013 8:02AM

In a remote region of north-western Kazakhstan lies a giant pentagram. The five-pointed star surrounded by a circle measures approximately 1,200 feet in diameter and appears to be carved into the very living rock.

The pentagram lies a dozen miles from Lisakovsk and it is thus far unknown if the residents of the mining town are aware of this phenomenon in their midst much less what they think of it. The Internet community became aware of the giant pentagram when some Google Earth users saw the strange image on a peninsula in the Upper Tobol Reservoir. Since then speculation over the origin and meaning of the symbol has been rife.

1. The Illuminati Did It. This theory has gained much popularity due to the long-term association between the mysterious cult and the pentagram symbol. It is a long-held belief that the Illuminati are a secret society who wield untold control over world events. If they have such power, etching a pentagram into Kazakhstani soil would be child’s play. It has been suggested that the Illuminati as an organization was not behind the pentagram, but rather a rogue member who decided to carve out the 1,200 symbol as a “prank”.


The New Intelligence Agency on the Block

By Norma Lee Jennings
August 7, 2013 8:56AM

On the surface, the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) appears harmless. Simply put, the NDAA is one of two ways in which the Department of Defense sets its annual budget. But buried in between allocations for helicopters and combat boots are some more controversial – and some might say insidious – provisions.

In 2012, for instance, a section of the act labeled “Counter-Terrorism” gave Congressional support to the president’s ability to indefinitely detain anyone suspected of terrorist activities, even U.S. citizens on U.S. soil. Thankfully, after a year of heavy lobbying by everyone from the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) to the Cato Institute, the 2013 NDAA overturned most of the detention provisions and Americans who stay in their country can no longer be indefinitely detained in a military facility.

Potentially, the most troubling development of the 2014 NDAA is the creation of another intelligence agency. As if the FBI, CIA, and NSA weren’t enough. Starting in 2014, the Conflict Records Research Center (CRRC) will open with the documented purpose of facilitating “research and analysis of records captured from countries, organizations, and individuals, now or once hostile to the United States.” The text indicates that the Center will be open to both academic and national security professionals so that the two sectors can collaborate to “identify topics of importance for the leadership of the United States Government and the scholarly community.”

So basically the NDAA is creating a friendly research library, right? Wrong.


JFK Killed By Own Secret Service?

By Anthony Moreno
August 2, 2013 8:12PM

A provocative new TV docudrama touts a bold claim: one of John F. Kennedy’s Secret Service agents fired a bullet that hit the president. Airing on Reelz Channel, JFK: The Smoking Gun asserts that now deceased Secret Service agent George Hickey accidentally shot JFK. They aren’t the first to make the claim, either.

In 1992, author Bonar Menninger pushed a similar theory in his book Mortal Error: The Shot That Killed JFK. Hickey was alive at the time and sued Menninger for slander, but the case was dropped because of a statute of limitations expiration. No such cases have yet been brought on JFK: The Smoking Gun.

According to Detective Colin McLaren, the center of the docudrama, a lot of evidence suggests that Menninger may have been onto something. First of all, McLaren says that Hickey was not qualified to operate the rifle he was holding that day. He also says that Hickey may have been overtired or even hung over as he alleges that the Secret Service cadre had been out partying the night before the assassination.


Conspiracy Theory, The Soundtrack

By Norma Lee Jennings
July 30, 2013 7:09AM

In the conspiracy world, most information is conveyed through newspaper articles, blogs, or videos. But if you ever wanted to explore the world’s mysteries in song, you now have the chance to do so. Matt Farley, also known as The Paranormal Song Warrior, has produced an album, Believe: Exciting Songs About Shockingly Mysterious Stuff, which covers topics from Area 51 to the Chupabra. We spoke to the Paranormal Song Warrior about his work and inspiration.

Norma Lee: Why did you decide to call yourself the Paranormal Song Warrior?

Paranormal Song Warrior: I release different styles of music under different names, depending on the theme of the songs.  When I considered doing paranormal songs, I noticed that there weren’t many songs on these topics–so I consider myself a warrior who is fighting to bring the paranormal debate into the music scene!

NL: What was your initial inspiration to write conspiracy-related songs?



Stores Using Facial Recognition Software To Spy On Us

By Anthony Moreno
July 25, 2013 7:45AM

Arecent development in retail shows that going to your neighborhood store may mean having your privacy invaded… and without you ever knowing it.

Retailers are increasingly using invasive ways, such as recording shoppers, monitoring cell phones, and using facial recognition software, in order to learn more about trends in purchasing.

Naturally, many people feel unnerved at the news, including A-list celebrities. It’s apparently almost impossible to disguise yourself from the software, for one thing. Reportedly, the program can spot a celeb even if they’ve grown facial hair, have experienced a change in weight, grown older, or are hiding behind sunglasses.

But most people aren’t used to being spied on while they’re out and about, which is why this gets more disturbing…



Vampire Graves Discovered In Poland

By Norma Lee Jennings
July 22, 2013 7:36PM

A group of construction workers in Gliwice, Poland recently uncovered the graves of 17 decapitated skeletons, which some now believe were vampires.

The spot where the crew was digging had once been a gallows, so the discovery of dead bodies was unsurprising. However, what led archaeologists to cry “vampire” was the way in which the headless corpses were buried.

In all 17 instances, the skull was placed between the skeleton’s knees and a stone was placed on top of the skull, a method Europeans once used to guarantee that the vampire couldn’t rise from his grave.

Whether sparkly or sexy, vampires have captured the imagination of 21st century Americans. But ours isn’t the first generation of humans to be captivated by thoughts of the undead. Back in the Middle Ages, most of Eastern Europe not only believed in the existence of vampires but lived in mortal fear of their bite…



Next-Generation Robot A Terminator In The Making

By Anthony Moreno
July 19, 2013 7:02AM

DARPA, your friendly neighborhood designer of humankind-threatening machines, has revealed its newest baby. At 6-foot-2 and 330 pounds, ATLAS is one of the most fearsome humanoid robots, even though it’s only a skeleton.

As part of DARPA’s Virtual Robotics Challenge (VRC), which is kind of like the robo version of American Idol, the robot is only a testbed for teams of engineers that will have to design software to control its brain. In other words, we should all pray that none of the participating geeks have a penchant for world domination.

In the meantime, the harbinger of death has a functional, real-time control system, 28 joints, stereo sensors and the standard human parts: two arms, two legs, one torso, and a head. The competing teams will use these available parts to design software that will turn ATLAS into a top-notch search-and-rescue worker… or the Terminator.


Conspiracy Theory: Racist Group Behind Zimmerman Trial

By Anthony Moreno
July 15, 2013 7:30PM

To most, the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) is a fringe group big on PR but low on influence. But a “Fox & Friends” guest now claims that the NBPP were behind the media coverage the George Zimmerman trial received, and that it never would have gone to court if the Panthers hadn’t pushed the right buttons behind closed doors.

We’re sure it wasn’t because the whole nation developed a personal connection to Trayvon Martin’s tragic story or anything…

J. Christian Adams, the right-wing blogger, author, and the Fox News guest who called out the Black Panther connection, has long looked for excuses to attack the NBPP. He once accused the Panthers of intimidating voters outside voting booth stations. Much to his chagrin, and that of other conservative figures, Obama didn’t look into the matter.


U.S.-Engineered Egyptian Coup?

By Norma Lee Jennings
July 5, 2013 7:22PM

In 2011, Cairo’s Tahrir Square was the stage on which the Egyptian act of the Arab Spring was played. Tens of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets and, eventually, Egypt’s dictatorial former president, Hosni Mubarak, was removed from office. In 2012, democratic elections were held and Mohammad Morsi, the leader of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood political party, was chosen to be the president by 52% of Egypt’s voting population. The international community determined that the elections were free and fair.

Why then, just over a year since Morsi’s election to the presidency, have the Egyptian people taken to the streets in protest once again? Why is the country’s first democratically elected president under house arrest? Is the army-led overthrow of President Morsi and the installation of an interim government a coup or an exercise in popular democracy? And, if it is a coup, what might be the involvement of the U.S.?

Over the past few days, this is what happened in Egypt: the army arrested the president, his advisers, top-ranking members of the Muslim Brotherhood, and effectively shut down the government; the army suspended the constitution and hand-picked new leaders to run things; the army has shut down major news stations, including Al-Jazeera; the army has moved their tanks into the streets and the resulting protests have led to at least 36 deaths, including 15 from sniper rifles.

Doesn’t this sound like a coup?

Not according to President Barack Obama.


Beyond Area 51

By Blogger 51
July 2, 2013 7:11AM

Guest blogger Mack Maloney’s new book, Beyond Area 51 looks at twenty inexplicable sites around the world that are similar to Nevada’s Area 51. 

There’s an isolated, forested place in Russia called the M-Triangle where people come out smarter than when they went in. So smart, that in one case, a barely-employed, military washout became a cosmonaut after spending only two weeks there.

Researchers there have recorded the sounds of traffic speeding by them, even though the closest road is almost 40 miles away. They’ve heard choirs singing, watched the stars align in fantastic formations, and have even seen strange letters and symbols written across the sky.

Cell phone use is impossible within the M-Triangle…unless you’re standing atop a small piece of ground, dubbed the Call Box. Then you can call anywhere in the world. No surprise the KGB wouldn’t let civilians into the area before 1988. This may seem the stuff of science fiction but, assuredly, the M-Triangle is real.


TWA Conspiracy Theory Resurfaces, Isn’t Going Away

By Anthony Moreno
June 28, 2013 6:02PM

On July 17, 1996, 230 innocent airline passengers lost their lives when TWA Flight 800 exploded in a fireball while in mid-air. The unlikely (but not unheard of) explanation was that the fuel tank short-circuited, causing an explosion. But the conspiracy community believes that there are a number of “smoking guns” indicating this tragedy was no accident.

While some thought that a rogue meteor had downed the aircraft, in a new documentary, former investigators of the crash say they have the evidence to prove that something more sinister happened to TWA Flight 800, and that the government covered up the real cause of the crash.

Was it a missile, an on-board bomb planted by bona fide terrorists, a freak accident involving a meteor, or something else?


The Biggest Edward Snowden Conspiracy Theories

By Anthony Moreno
June 25, 2013 6:33PM

The 29-year-old whistleblower Edward Snowden, who is, as of this writing, apparently holed up in the Moscow airport, is hero to some and villain to others.

To those not bothered by government spying, he’s just another wacko who hurt our efforts in the War on Terror. But some murky details surrounding his origins and job details have many wondering if Snowden is who he claims to be. Not to mention that he’s got a name tailor-made for a Hollywood spy flick.

Some conspiracy theorists are peddling scenarios that present Snowden as a do-gooder/victim of aggressive government bullying. Another faction questions his motives and wonder if perhaps he isn’t just some pawn in a bigger deception than PRISM could ever be.

Below are the best theories from each camp.

Good Guy Snowden

1. Enemy Governments Helped Him

Hong Kong blamed faulty government paperwork for why they let Snowden through airport security, but many critics think that it, along with countries like Russia and Ecuador, China helped Snowden in order to sock it to the world’s biggest bully…


The Ex-Files: UK UFO Program Reveals More

By Eric Sampson
June 24, 2013 6:53PM

Last Friday, the British Government published over 4,000 pages of documents on UFOs.

This was the last of ten such releases that have taken place in the past five years, under a massive program to declassify and release the entire archive of Ministry of Defense (MoD) UFO files – totaling well over 50,000 pages.

The documents were a mixture of internal policy discussion papers, sighting reports and correspondence with the public. They covered the period 2007 to 2009 and included documents explaining why the MoD decided to terminate its UFO project (where I worked, back in the 90s) in November 2009 after over 50 years of official research and investigation. The reasons included the need to find savings as part of wider defense cuts, the increasing proportion of sightings caused by mis-identifications of fire lanterns, and the staggering workload resulting from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. At one point, the MoD was receiving more FOIA requests on UFOs than on any other subject.

The sighting report case files contained the usual mixture of mundane, bizarre and disturbing encounters…


10 Jimmy Hoffa Disappearance Conspiracy Theories

By Lyz Lenz
June 19, 2013 6:25AM

There’s a new possible lead in the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa, the president of the Teamsters Union who went missing in 1975, and the FBI is on the case.

In what is probably the octogenarian mobster’s idea of crank call, a source is claiming he knows the location of Hoffa’s body. As a result, the FBI is combing an area just outside of Detroit, but just to save you et a couple minutes of nerve-wracking suspense, they aren’t going to find him. They never do.

But before you go, here are 10 possible reasons why they won’t find the former Teamsters President where they’re looking for him:

10. Hoffa is in Brazil

Much like Elvis and Jesus, some conspiracy theorists believe Jimmy Hoffa didn’t die. Instead, rumor has it that Hoffa escaped the clutches of the law and rival mob factions by running off to Brazil with a go-go  dancer. If he was still alive, Hoffa would be 100 years old, so the odds of him being alive to this date are slim; however, it’s plausible that he lived for years after 1975.

Oddly enough, Hoffa was born in Brazil, Indiana, which could be evidence of conspiracy theorists confusing their geography and the cruel sense of irony that goes into picking the names of towns in Indiana.

9. Abducted by Aliens

In 1977, Tom Dawson, a retired resident of Georgia, claimed he was abducted by aliens. During their requisite probing and prodding of Dawson, he claims he saw a bright light and a voice that called out “I am Jimmy Hoffa!” three times before being cut off.  The only people who believe this story can be found lurking in the shadows of Reddit.

8. Whacked By the CIA

William Bufalino, a lawyer for the Teamsters Union, claimed that Hoffa was killed by the CIA because he knew of a mob plot to assassinate Fidel Castro (in return for gambling rights in Havana.) This theory is highly suspect, because if the mafia had been hired to take out Castro, he would likely have been dead long ago.


China May Have Recovered Dead Alien

By Anthony Moreno
June 18, 2013 6:44AM

In a world where it’s increasingly harder to hide a secret, China is trying to hide an alien.

The space critter looks much like your stereotypical Hollywood Martian, but in death, it’s the focal point of many unanswered questions. Some say it’s an elaborate joke, while rumors claim that the Chinese government is selling the tale as a hoax to throw people off the scent.

For Li Kai, a farmer living near the Yellow River, it started as just another bad night….


State Department Allegedly Covered Up Drug Ring

By Anthony Moreno
June 13, 2013 6:02PM

In a climate of government distrust, news that the State Department might have obstructed investigations into illegal activities perpetrated by its own personnel must hit especially hard.

But documents uncovered by CBS News may reveal a possible systematic coverup of evidence of underground drug rings, illicit prostitution and sexual assaults happening within its own ranks.

When the State Department’s security force, the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS), tried to look into each matter of misconduct, they senior officials allegedly told them to “back off.” At that point, the DSS agents reported the intimidation to the State Department’s internal investigation agency, the Inspector General…


PRISM: Worst Government Spy Program Yet?

By Anthony Moreno
June 10, 2013 6:16AM

News reports indicate that the NSA has coerced Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook, Skype and countless other tech giants into letting them use their servers to spy on us. All of us.

Newly-released classified docs reveal that an intricate program known as PRISM has been used since 2007 to monitor emails, video chats, file transfers and anything else you would probably rather not share with a pair of government eyes.

Rather amazingly, the public has now only heard about PRISM because a government agent with a guilty conscience allegedly leaked the evidence. The 41-page PowerPoint wasn’t supposed to be declassified until 2036, which meant the government and its tech cohorts were going to spy on people without their consent for several decades.


Jellyfish UFO Captured On TV Camera

By Anthony Moreno
June 6, 2013 6:17AM

Strange how, whenever an unidentified flying object is captured on video, it’s always an amateur with terrible cinematography skills. But not this time.

In Lima, Peru, a professional TV cameraman captured footage of a strange, shape-shifting jellyfish UFO. Christian Ubillus, the man responsible for filming, works for Peru’s Frecuencia Latina Channel 2, and was on assignment when the floating object hovered overhead…


Was Friend of Boston Bombers Unarmed?

By Anthony Moreno
June 3, 2013 6:55PM

America is not convinced by the FBI’s account of the shooting death of Ibragim Todashev, a former acquaintance of alleged Boston bombers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, and now reports say Todashev was unarmed.

FBI officials say that Todashev was killed in his apartment during an investigation in which he lunged at an FBI agent with a weapon. It was an act of self-defense on the agent’s part, say officials. But now CNN and other media outlets are hearing reports that the shooting was much more suspect.

Ibragim had known Tamerlan in Boston where the two had met while in Mixed Martial Arts training. Todashev later moved to Florida, where the FBI questioned him about the Boston bombings and an unsolved murder authorities say may be related.


Wall Street Now Writing Its Own Laws: Report

By Anthony Moreno
May 28, 2013 5:34PM

Greed isn’t just good, it’s now self-regulated, according to a report claims Wall Street is now writing its own legislation.

Don’t expect Capitol Hill to do anything about it, either. Congress seems thrilled to be aiding a self-policing financial sector, as financial regulatory laws like The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which was set in place in 2010 after Wall Street had run amok, are in danger of being rewritten to benefit fat cats.

It’s gotten so bad on Capitol Hill that Wall Street bankers should get business cards that instead read “Lawmakers.” Politicians have been known to sit down with bank lobbyists when drafting regulation bills. Bankers, for example, were able to get a regulation bill of their own creation through a House committee this month. (It might be comforting to know that House representatives edited the bill before approving it, but ultimately kept 70 lines of its 85 lines….)


UFO Sightings In Canada Break Record

By Anthony Moreno
May 24, 2013 5:28PM

UFO sightings in Canada almost doubled in 2012, breaking a record that had been set four years prior.

This is good news for E.T. enthusiasts who read the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (Assap) report, which claimed that Ufology would be dead in ten years for lack of sightings. But it’s bad news for those who thought the likelihood of getting abducted and probed was increasingly unlikely.

People wonder if the increase of sightings in Canada is at all correlated to the decrease seen in the U.S. Perhaps the intergalactic travelers have collected everything they need from the American people?

In 2008, for example, Canadians reported 1,004 sightings which established a record for that time. Four years later, that total jumped to 1,981, the increase stretching across every province in the country. So, it wasn’t like one alien-obsessed town got together to talk up the phenomenon to raise public awareness or drive local tourism.


Atlantis Discovered In Brazil

By Anthony Moreno
May 21, 2013 5:21PM

It seems that the world has more cities of Atlantis than previously believed. After finding a sunken continent in the Indian Ocean earlier this year, scientists recently discovered another possible Atlantis off the coast of Brazil.

The waters surrounding Brazil are some of the least explored in the world, so it makes sense that something so large could have gone undiscovered there for so long. Discovered 600 miles from Rio de Janeiro, and deeper than 3,000 feet underwater, it would seem that another sunken continent has been waiting for centuries to be discovered at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.


Majority of Americans Believe in JFK Conspiracy

By Anthony Moreno
May 17, 2013 5:01PM

Despite our own suspicions, fewer Americans now believe that the JFK assassination was part of an elaborate conspiracy. In a matter of ten years, the belief that Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t act alone has taken a significant dip.

In 2003, a resounding 75 percent of Americans were convinced that JFK was targeted by a conspiracy that went well beyond Oswald. But ten years later, in an Associated Press poll conducted in April, only 59 percent believed the same thing.

That’s not all: 16 percent of those polled aren’t sure what to believe, and the rest (24 percent), believe that Oswald was a lone gunman. But what’s responsible for this recent dive in perception?


NASA Captures Disc-Shaped UFO Over Earth

By Anthony Moreno
May 13, 2013 5:40AM

A disc-shaped UFO has been photographed by NASA hovering over the planet, adding to the huge uptick in extraterrestrial sightings over the Earth’s atmosphere recently.

In crystal-clear clarity, the picture reveals an unidentified grey object that isn’t shaped like a satellite or human aircraft. Unless it’s an insanely elaborate movie prop, we might be looking at an alien vehicle.

When zoomed-in, the high-resolution image shows the object surrounded by a rainbow aura that might be a cloaking device or protective shield. And though UFOs are mainly high-speed aircraft, it doesn’t seem to be moving. Instead, it appears to be hovering above the planet’s blue visage, so perhaps it’s part of a reconnaissance or surveillance mission…


Secret Court: Government Can Spy Indiscriminately

By Anthony Moreno
May 8, 2013 5:49AM

The United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, created in 1978 to protect the American people from being electronically eavesdropped on by the government, might actually be making it easier to spy on us.

According to a new Justice Department report, the FISC approved all 1,856 government surveillance requests submitted last year. Since 1978, they have only rejected 11 applications and accepted over 20,000. That means that either we have a very trustworthy government or the FISC is nothing but a “yes man” of a court system.

After the US Senate discovered that the government had been abusing its power by spying on civilians, the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) was implemented. As part of FISA, the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court was created to make sure that government officials got criminal punishment for spying on Americans without a warrant.

To no one’s surprise, the Bush administration simply changed that law to allow his cronies to get away with warrantless spying after he got caught doing just that.


Statue Of Liberty May Spy On You

By Anthony Moreno
May 3, 2013 5:28PM

The Statue of Liberty may soon be sporting a sophisticated ethnicity-recognition security system… and what’s worse is that new software may be installed without most Americans knowing of it. (At least according to Slate.) Once a beacon for hope and freedom, Lady Liberty might soon become a symbol for state-sponsored oppression and surveillance.

The national landmark has been retrofitted with facial recognition software before, but that technology was light years behind FaceVACS. Designed by a German firm, FaceVACS has proven to be cutting-edge technology, apparently able to estimate a person’s age, differentiate between genders, recognize targets on watch lists, and even ethnicity by way of skin color. (Though that last one doesn’t seem like an absolute science).

As the statue is currently going through renovations, this would be a perfect time to install FaceVACS…


Sci-Fi Robots May Rule Us Soon

By Blogger 51
May 1, 2013 5:13AM

A company in Japan has created the most advanced robotic exoskeleton the world has ever seen. This would be cause for celebration if that company hadn’t chosen to name themselves “Cyberdyne.”

Most Arnold Schwarzenegger fans know Cyberdyne as the name of the evil artificial intelligence company from the film The Terminator. In the James Cameron-directed series, Cyberdyne creates an army of robots that enslave mankind…


Infowars Launches Dating Site

By Lyz Lenz
April 29, 2013 4:01PM

Alex Jones, owner of the popular conspiracy site InfoWars, has launched a dating site. In an effort to fight the upstream battle against natural selection, perhaps.

No longer will you have to sit through hours of tedious conversation about what you do for a living before bringing up your theory on who actually built the pyramids. With Dating Freedom Lovers, you can talk about false flag attacks on a first date. (I mean, I know you already do, but this time your date won’t cut and run.)

The site’s mission is to help you “Find and meet people that share a passion for liberty and freedom and are ready to start a relationship.” So, if you love your handguns and are looking for love, look no further.


ACLU: Detroit Cops Are Kidnapping The Homeless

By Anthony Moreno
April 26, 2013 4:41PM

The ACLU has demanded that Detroit Police stop kidnapping the homeless, according to a recent, incendiary press release. Has the bad economy forced the Motor City PD to get into the ransom business?

Well, since kidnapping the destitute wouldn’t be very lucrative, it seems that Detroit’s finest are only (allegedly) “escorting” the homeless out of city limits. Not that the ACLU finds that any less immoral and illegal.

After a yearlong investigation, the ACLU came to the conclusion that the city’s police force has been forcibly placing the homeless into vans and driving them as far away as possible. In some cases, they’ve physically abused the “captives” and even stolen any money they might be carrying, apparently in order to make it more difficult for the transient to return to the Motor City.



Study: GMO Corn Extremely Hazardous

By Brian Fairbanks
April 19, 2013 4:02PM

You may want to hold off on cooking up some corn on the cob this summer. According to a new study, if that ear of corn is genetically-modified, it might be extremely toxic.

Though we’ve long been sold on the idea that GMO food is safe, this newly-released study “proves” otherwise. Known as the 2012 Corn Comparison Report because it compares organic, naturally-grown corn to the GMO variety, the study will make many consumers scrutinize what’s on their plate. Coming on the tail-end of the Monsanto Protection Act, it’s become increasingly harder for Americans to trust anything going into their stomachs…


Boston Marathon Bombings Prove April Is Cursed

By Lyz Lenz
April 17, 2013 4:00AM

If we know one thing about the Boston Marathon bombings (as of press time), it’s that April really is the cruelest bi**h of a month.

April marks the beginning and the end of the American Civil War, the sinking of the Titanic and the assassination of Martin Luther King. And those are just the historical events.

T.S. Elliot was right in calling this the cruelest month, but it’s really one week around which most of these events seem to swirl: the week surrounding April 20th has played host to some of America’s darkest hours. Conspiracy, coincidence or is April just a rabbit hole of tragedy?

Here are just some of the tragedies that have occurred on or around April 20.

1. Boston Marathon Bombings:  Very little is known about the bombings, which occurred on April 15, 2013 just before 3pm near the finish line of the Boston Marathon.

2. Columbine High School: On April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot and killed 13 of their classmates before committing suicide.  The date of the massacre (Hitler’s birthday) led some conspiracy theorists to believe the gunmen were neo Nazis.  In their testimonial videos, Harris and Klebold claimed that they wanted to surpass other historical events, although it was never clear which ones they had in mind…


Alien DNA “Discovered” Within Humans

By Anthony Moreno
April 12, 2013 4:07AM

We’ve been beaming radio waves into space for years, hoping to hear back from some far-off advanced civilization. But according to two scientists, we’ve been looking for an alien signal in the wrong place: extraterrestrial life forms have reportedly been “talking” to us through our own DNA.

The scientists theorize that there is a mysterious part of our genetic code that cannot be explained by the concept of evolution. That part of our DNA, something they call biological SETI, could be an ancient message hidden within our bodies by sentient beings that lived billions of years ago… like a brand logo that reads “Made In Krypton.”


Joe Biden Calls For “New World Order”

By Anthony Moreno
April 9, 2013 4:13PM

Joe Biden, the Vice President of the “Free World,” has inadvertently or deliberately revealed plans for a “new world order.” Appropriately, it was during a speech at the Export-Import Bank Conference.

And though it wasn’t clear if Joe Biden was referencing the type of New World Order that is capitalized and which makes anyone who’s read “1984″ shudder,  his announcement may still be terrifying.

Addressing the topic of the economy, Biden told the Washington-based conference: “The task we have now is to create a new world order.” He later added: “Because the global order is changing again, and the institutions that have worked so well in the post-World War II era for decades, they need to be strengthened, and some have to be changed.”

That’s inspirational enough, and a lot less ominous than his segue, but it wouldn’t be the only time he made mention of an NWO.


One-Third of Americans Believe In World Domination Conspiracy

By Anthony Moreno
April 5, 2013 4:47PM

You’re not alone in believing that a shadow organization has plans for world domination, assuming you do believe.

According to a new survey, about one-third of Americans worry that some secretive organization is working behind the scenes in an effort to take over the world. As one would expect, they won’t be doing it with flower power or positive persuasion; they’ll be doing it with an authoritarian government. Allegedly, of course.

And the New World Order conspiracy is just one of many a surprising number of Americans believe, although few represent the majority. For example, three in ten U.S. citizens believe that aliens exist, about the rate of the NWO conspiracy.

When it came to older, high-profile conspiracies like the JFK assassination, Americans pretty much convinced of foul play. More than 50% think JFK was a victim of something deeper…


Drug-Resistant Superbug Spreads To 42 States

By Lyz Lenz
April 3, 2013 4:27PM

Thanks to the latest crisis, the Center for Disease Control is rebranding drug-resistant afflictions “nightmare bacteria.” Because “superbug” doesn’t strike enough fear into the hearts of people, apparently.

What if they called it “zombie, killer bacteria”? Would that make you more afraid? “Killer Gonorrhea”? Ah, you are paying attention now, aren’t you?

According to the CDC, a drug-resistant strain of gonorrhea was recently introduced to the United States. “If nothing is done,” PBS reports, “CDC officials warn that a ‘post-antibiotic era’ may be around the corner — an era in which diseases commonly cured today with a few pills could once again run rampant. And it may be closer than most people realize.”


Wild Fan Theory Claims Officials Rigging Lakers Games

By Ritch Duncan
April 2, 2013 4:09PM

What happened to professional basketball? A video that’s blowing up on Reddit and Bleacher Report today seems to point to one source as the root of the problem: refs rigging games.

We stopped following basketball ages ago, back when some tall guy, who played for at least four teams, put out a rap album, worked as an reserve policeman, starred in a video game where he knew karate, played a genie in a kids movie, and now has a comedy show on truTV, was the biggest thing in hoops.

We know that Kobe Bryant was accused of rape and exonerated and that LeBron James is very good at basketball, and the entire city of Cleveland, where he grew up and learned to play the game, now hates him with a white-hot passion. Meanwhile, the NBA has turned into a sideshow, one step above pro wrestling, only with the rigging of the game much more obvious to the naked eye.

Bleacher Report has some damning video of the calls that have mysteriously been going the way of the Los Angeles Lakers as they limp their way towards the post-season.

Meanwhile, in more serious news, Michael Jordan sells underwear now.

Image: donielle / Flickr

EPA Ignores Dangerous Pesticides In Household Goods

By Anthony Moreno
April 1, 2013 4:44PM

Instead of safeguarding the American people, it seems that the EPA might be abusing a legal loophole to allow pesticides in everyday products, according to Salon.

Those products apparently include Tupperware, baby clothes and toothpaste, as well as other things we put in our mouths. By the EPA’s own admission, 11,000 pesticides have been allowed on the market since 2010, without little concern or follow-up on whether they can be harmful to the environment.

Granted, most people are aware that pesticides are used on crops to get rid of pesky pests and other contaminants, but many question why those same agents are making their way to your child’s toothbrush.


Just in Time for Easter: Rabbit Alien Overlords

By Norma Lee Jennings
March 31, 2013 3:54AM

According to David Icke and others in the conspiracy community, we humans are all unwittingly being ruled by a class of alien overlords known as reptilians. But this Easter, we are finding new evidence that it is not the reptile alien overlords but the rabbit alien overlords that we should be worrying about.

Why worry about being ruled by a race of alien bunnies, you may ask? They are soft and cuddly, and sound much better than those slimly reptilians. Well, just think about it for a minute. Rabbits breed like – well, rabbits. We believe that the evidence we are finding of rabbits aliens is just the tip of the of the leporidaen iceberg. Pretty soon we will be overrun with alien bunnies.

Parasite Turning Us All Into Zombies

By Lyz Lenz
March 28, 2013 3:27PM

According to scientists, at least 40% of the population may be living at the mercy of the parasites that infect their brains. That’s right: just under half the world’s humans have been turned into the real-life equivalent of zombies.

Neuroparasitology, or what the UK Telegraph calls “zombie reprogramming,” is a result of parasites or other microbes entering the brain and rewiring how you think and act. While this most often occurs in nature, it can happen in humans.  For example, researchers at Binghamton University recorded the activity of 36 academics before and after receiving the flu vaccine, and the results were terrifying.


“Alien Secret Service Agent” Caught On Tape

By Anthony Moreno
March 26, 2013 3:33PM

It may sound ridiculous, but a camera at the Washington Convention Center last year seems to have captured evidence that Reptilian aliens are among us and working for the Secret Service. With no evidence whatsoever other than a very questionable, edited video, conspiracy theorists and Obama detractors have taken up the story of a bald Secret Service agent who is working for the President and also kinda looks like Voldemort.

E.T. enthusiasts have long theorized that if an alien species has the technological capabilities to reach our planet, it might also possess the ability to cloak itself in human form. The convincing video seems to show just that, as an opportune angle shows the agent apparently morphing before our very eyes.

Even before the camera reveal, the agent’s movements seem odd and nonhuman, and definitely not like the calm demeanor of a government agent.


Alien Fish Floats Past Space Station

By Anthony Moreno
March 21, 2013 3:12PM

If you’ve been following NASA’s stream of the International Space Station, you may have seen footage of an unexplainable alien creature make its way across space much like a fish would. Somewhat translucent, the spotted creature could be more evidence of life alien life.

Unsurprisingly, NASA has remained mum on the subject. The space organization has no qualms about reporting alien life when it’s in bacterial form, according to Fox, either on a meteorite or on the planet Mars, but remains rather secretive when bolder discoveries are made. Could it be because they’re hiding something from the public?


U.S. Part of 25 Country Spy Network

By Anthony Moreno
March 18, 2013 3:55PM

A new report claims that 25 countries have joined a massive spy ring and are using a new kind of tracking software to monitor their citizens. Americans will be somewhat unsurprised to learn that among the group made up of mostly authoritarian nations is the ole U.S. of A.

The complete list, according the New York Times, includes The United States, Australia, Mexico, Qatar, Singapore, Ethiopia, Canada, Germany, Turkmenistan, Bahrain, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Estonia, Mongolia, the United Arab Emirates, Japan, Brunei, Malaysia, Serbia, Netherlands, Vietnam, India, Czech Republic and the UK.

The technology is part of an advent of government-grade spy tools which have made spying on citizens many times more efficient, sophisticated, and worrisome. The 25 nations have been using tech sold to them by the Gamma Group which provides surveillance vans, advanced government training and something called FinSpy.


Top 5 Reasons Bigfoot Will Be Found Soon

By Norma Lee Jennings
March 15, 2013 3:12PM

Find Bigfoot, that elusive hominid who roams the forests of America, has never been more likely than it is now.

Hundreds of people and untold thousands of dollars have gone toward projects that prove Bigfoot’s existence and/or have set out to find him. Which one of these five people will be the one to come up with conclusive proof that Bigfoot exists?

5. Melba Ketchum’s Scientific Study

For the past five years this researcher and former veterinarian has been studying the genes found in samples of Bigfoot’s hair, blood, saliva, and urine. She claims that DNA evidence demonstrates that Bigfoot is an indigenous inhabitant of North America and that his species is the result of cross-breeding between a human female and another hominid approximately 15,000 years ago.

What makes Ms. Ketchum’s project unique is the amount of faith she has in her findings. She even submitted her paper to a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Unfortunately for the advancement of cryptozoology, “Novel North American Hominins: Next Generation Sequencing of Three Whole Genomes and Associated Studies” was not accepted to any journal.

Undaunted, Ms. Ketchum purchased the DeNovo Scientific Journal outright and has since published her work.


Google Claims The FBI Spies On You

By Lyz Lenz
March 13, 2013 3:01PM

Google says that the FBI is spying on you. Ignoring the fact that this is basically the pot and the kettle engaged in name-calling, let’s all take a moment to be afraid.

Wired reports, “Google said the number of accounts connected to National Security letters ranged between ‘1000-1999’ for each of the reported years other than 2010. In that year, the range was ‘2000-2999.’” The article goes on to assure us, “Google noted that the FBI may obtain ‘the name, address, length of service, and local and long distance toll billing records’ of a subscriber to a wire or electronic communications service. The FBI can’t use NSLs to obtain anything else from Google, such as Gmail content, search queries, YouTube videos or user IP addresses.’”


Soap May Create The Next Superbug

By Norma Lee Jennings
March 9, 2013 3:13PM

Triclosan is a chemical found in hand soap, toothpaste, toys, meat and thousands of other products in your daily life. But it’s popularity is due to it being an incredibly potent biocide… and it may end up causing the formation of the next superbug.

(A biocide, by the way, is any chemical capable of killing living organisms, though usually in a selective way.) Raid is a biocide specifically designed to target insects; Roundup is one for weeds; and triclosan is a biocide that specifically targets bacteria. You’ve probably seen anti-bacterial soaps advertising that they kill 99.9% of all germs. That’s triclosan that is doing the heavy lifting.

Of course, we all want our soaps to kill germs and our toothpaste to prevent gum disease. But triclosan has the power to create superbugs that can’t be killed by any known antibiotic.


Eye-Tracking Phone Monitors Your Every Blink

By Anthony Moreno
March 7, 2013 3:23PM

Good news for people for whom touchscreens are too much effort. A new Samsung phone with eye-tracking technology will apparently be released next week.

But those weary of large corporations and the increase in privacy-encroaching technology might not think of the innovation is a positive. After all, if telephone companies now have the ability to track our eye movements, what’s to stop them from tracking other sensitive information or, worse, move on to track the final frontier: our thoughts.

Scheduled to be available to the public on March 14, the Samsung S4 will allow users to scroll down pages or even flip them using only their eyes… isn’t that mind-reading right there?


5 Hugo Chavez Death Conspiracy Theories

By Norma Lee Jennings
March 6, 2013 3:39AM

For over a year, the health of Hugo Chavez, Venezuela’s president, has been deteriorating. Then, yesterday, came the unsurprising official announcement of his death.

Just as unsurprisingly, the controversial socialist leader leaves behind a series of mysteries and conspiracy theories.

5. Chavez Has Been Dead for Weeks

When a government is founded on personality politics, the death of a leader can be fatally disruptive to the administration.

This theory lends credence to the belief that Chavez actually passed away sometime in February and the administration has kept it a secret until succession plans were firmly in place. Yesterday, Vice President Nicolas Maduro announced that snap elections would take place in 30 days, but few feel that the current list of candidates can fill Chavez’s shoes.


“Zero Dark Thirty” Victim Of Hollywood-Senate Conspiracy

By Anthony Moreno
March 1, 2013 3:25AM

Zero Dark Thirty didn’t win any major Oscars this past weekend, and it may be because of two United States Senators.

Critics are crying foul, claiming that it wasn’t a lack of cinematic worthiness that caused the Academy to turn against the film, but because Kathryn Bigelow’s controversial movie had been targeted by a far-reaching Hollywood and bipartisan political conspiracy. The U.S Senate is rumored to have probed the film after being influenced by rival producers as part of an awards-season smear campaign. Who says Hollywood can’t do drama anymore?

The probe was dropped before Sunday’s telecast but this wasn’t public knowledge until the day after First Lady Michelle Obama announced that Argo had won Best Picture. Coincidence?


Atlantis May Have Been Found

By Norma Lee Jennings
February 27, 2013 2:49PM

The lost city of Atlantis has just been found, it seems, after being lost for a millennium or several.

We first heard of the fabled city, which was more a sunken continent than city, through Plato, who described the inhabitants of Atlantis as being a technologically advanced but evil people. (In that case, it’s not clear why anyone would want to go looking for them.) Since then the legend has morphed, with Atlantis coming to be seen as a crystal-powered super utopia whose residents live in perfect harmony.

The Atlantic might be a huge place, but a century of high-tech nautical technology should have stumbled onto something by now. Plato narrowed Altantis’ location to somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, yet deep-sea navigation devices, radar, and submarines have found nothing until recently.

Last week, news arrived that a group of researchers had discovered evidence of a sunken ancient continent buried beneath the Indian Ocean. Could it be the lost continent of Atlantis?


Report: NYPD And Microsoft Partner Up To Spy On You

By Anthony Moreno
February 22, 2013 2:45AM

A world where the government monitors your every move is only scary if you have nothing to hide, right? Wrong. Microsoft and the NYPD are planning a conspiracy — excuse me, a “new program” — to spy on Americans… and you should worry about it.

That’s because, if a totalitarian government, supported by one of the world’s most powerful corporations, can monitor your every move, Big Brother style, nothing can stop them from framing and persecuting you for something that they deem to be wrong. In a world where Big Brother can spot your every move, it would be tough to hide from their all-seeing eye.

The plan for the NYPD, which Mayor Bloomberg called the “7th largest army in the world,” and Microsoft will bring about just such a world…


The Tea Party: One Big Conspiracy

By Norma Lee Jennings
February 20, 2013 2:10AM

The right-wing media wants you to believe that the Tea Party was a grassroots movement that spontaneously formed to express conservative America’s widespread discontent with the trajectory of the then-newly-elected President Obama. Recently uncovered evidence reveals that that this may not be true.

A study in the peer-reviewed journal Tobacco Control indicates that a tea party-like organization was originally conceived in the 1980s by tobacco companies to promote smoker’s rights and consumer choice. Some of the organizations funded by the tobacco industry went on to become the direct precursor of today’s Tea Party movement.

It all started in the 1980s when tobacco companies and billionaire industrialist David Koch created and funded an organization called Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE).  The authors of the study said that Big Tobacco gave CSE at least $5.3 million, though there might have been more untraceable funds, as 501(c)(3)s don’t have to reveal their donors.

CSE rattled around for over two decades, pushing for an end to tobacco taxes, regulations, and smoking bans.  When it failed to stop the Master Tobacco Settlement Agreement in 2004 – the famous case that cost the industry over $2 billion – it finally broke up. But it didn’t end there…


VIDEO: Terrifying UFO Explosion Over Russia

By Brian Fairbanks
February 15, 2013 2:09AM

Was the huge, headline-making explosion over the skies of Russia yesterday a meteorite (as reported), an alien spacecraft (as some speculate), or something else?

Video footage confirms that a tremendous object hurtled across Chelyabinsk, a sparsely-inhabited area of Russia. The force caused by its explosion has injured between 120 and 400 people, according to conflicting reports. (Most of the injuries are reported due to glass shattering.) The Guardian reported that “600 sq metres (6,500 sq ft) of a roof at a zinc factory had collapsed.”

A Russian official categorically denied anything sinister was afoot, however. “It’s not a plane,” he said.

Was it a UFO? A meteorite shower? Terrorism? No one really knows for sure. Here’s another video of the explosion (NSFW):



Rumor: Christopher Dorner Was Set Up

By Eric Sampson
February 13, 2013 2:19PM

Damning, unconfirmed police audio has emerged from Tuesday night’s standoff with a former Los Angeles police officer suspected in a shooting rampage.

On the tape, you can hear officers apparently shouting “Burn it down” and “Burn him out.”  Those and other comments on the recording have lead many to believe authorities deliberately torched the cabin where Christopher Dorner, the suspect, was hiding out.  One report indicates officers tossed “incendiary tear gas” into the place, which is what lit it up.

The audio was broadcast on a Los Angeles news station, while another version showed up on YouTube (above). On it, at :39 in, you can hear a man say, “Get going, right now.  F***in’ burn this motherf***in’…”  An even longer version, with more chatter apparently from officers at the scene, can be heard here:


The Latest Conspiracy to Steal Your Vote

By Norma Lee Jennings
February 12, 2013 2:20PM

If some Republican legislators have their way, by 2016 your vote might not count the way it used to.  This isn’t a case of hanging chads or malfunctioning voting machines – it is a fundamental retooling of the system by which America elects its president.  In several states, most notably Pennsylvania, plans have been put forward to link Electoral College votes to congressional districts.

Take a minute to wade through the legalese and you’ll see just how nefarious this conspiracy really is.   Right now, every state is assigned a certain number of electors based on its population (Montana has 3, California has 55) and after the popular vote of the state is tallied, all of its electoral votes go to the most favored presidential candidate in a winner-take-all system.  This is how it worked for 48 states in 2012.  For instance, Obama got 200,000 more votes than Romney in Pennsylvania, so Obama got all of Pennsylvania’s 20 Electoral College votes.


Rumor: GTV V Delayed Because of Sandy Hook

By Anthony Moreno
February 8, 2013 2:17PM

After decades of debate, the billion dollar question remains: can video games drive players to murder?

We’ve all seen the Exorcist-inspired YouTube tantrums of kids who have had their video games taken away… or taken too much to heart. Spend time online and you’ll see a surplus of very angry people in the U.S. that have way too much time on their hands. Some paranoid people believe there’s a correlation between obsessive (first person shooter) gaming and the rise of a more deadly youth culture.

Now the blowback may be hurting the video game industry. It seems that, following the tragic events at Sandy Hook, the long-awaited Grand Theft Auto V has been deliberately delayed…


Beyonce Flashed Illuminati Sign At Super Bowl

By Lyz Lenz
February 5, 2013 2:15PM

The 2013 Super Bowl l XLVII clearly suffered from a huge conspiracy that took place while millions watched — and they didn’t even notice. And we’re not talking about what happened during the blackout.

At one point during the Super Bowl halftime show, Beyonce held her hands in a triangle, the sign of the Illuminati — also, it must be said, the sign of Jay-Z’s record label, Freemasons, and triangle enthusiasts.

Regular readers of this blog know that Jay-Z/Beyonce baby Blue Ivy Carter has probably been indoctrinated into the Illuminati. Her name is an anagram for Eulb Yvi, the Latin name of Satan’s daughter — at least according to the internet and not according to anyone who knows Latin. Which, in internet logic, makes her Illuminati.

Now that her daughter is an Illuminati heiress, Beyonce must feel comfortable making her participation in the super secret group known…


8 Conspiracy Theories About the Super Bowl Blackout

By Norma Lee Jennings
February 4, 2013 2:00PM

Super Bowl XLVII will be known for many things but overshadowing everything will be that ridiculous 35-minute blackout that plunged half the Superdome into darkness.  Usually the NFL runs a tight ship, especially during the biggest game of the year. Why then, did the lights go out — and stay out — on the Super Bowl?

Entergy and SMG (the company that manages the Superdome) said it was an “abnormality in the system”  but the internet rumor mill has other ideas…

8. A 49ers Fan Did It

Until yesterday the 49ers had never lost a Super Bowl, and football junkies clearly had them heavily favored again. And yet, by the time the lights went out the Ravens were ahead 28-6 and they had just completed a jaw-dropping 108-yard touchdown return.  Some think that a diehard 49ers fan tripped a breaker in order to stop the Ravens’ momentum on the field.  The fact of the matter is, the 49ers did do much better after the lights came back on and ended the game a field goal short of victory.

7. The Republicans Did It

Until last night, the Superdome was best known for its association with Hurricane Katrina: three people died in the aftermath of the disaster because the evacuation center was in poor condition and lacking necessary supplies.  It became a symbol for the Bush administration’s failure to save New Orleans… and the rest of America.  So what better revenge than to flip the power switch on the dome during Obama’s watch?


Aliens Are Living On The Moon

By Anthony Moreno
February 1, 2013 2:55PM

The likelihood of alien life in space means we are not alone, but new information shows we may even have neighbors. An old photo of the moon, discovered through NASA’s Apollo Image Atlas, reveals what appears to be an alien base.

The high-resolution image was discovered by Scott C. Waring, who runs UFO Sightings Daily, and there’s no doubt something strange is planted on the lunar surface.

The photograph appears to show a large circular structure that is accompanied by an area that resembles a four-leaf clover. What it’s doing there, no one is saying, and most strangely, NASA is silent about the evidence…


Goverment Buying Thousands Of Assault Rifles As Ban Looms

By Anthony Moreno
January 29, 2013 1:28PM

All the sci-fi films we’ve seen over the years have taught us one very important lesson: the planet will almost undoubtedly be overrun by a global totalitarian government sometime in the future.

The supposed war to dismantle the Second Amendment is giving us the heebie-jeebies for this reason. Our paranoid leanings, whether justified or not, have us scrambling to buy assault rifles in record numbers. After all, some say our right to own a firearm is all that stands between us and Darth Vader, Big Brother, or a Terminator apocalypse.

Really, no assault weapon could compete against the firepower of the largest military force ever assembled… and the government has not curbed its own need for weapons. In fact, DHS (The Department of Homeland Security) is looking to purchase 7,000 5.56x45mm NATO “personal defense weapons” (PDW), also known as assault weapons…


Alex Jones: Government Trying To Make Kids Gay

By Norma Lee Jennings
January 28, 2013 1:01AM

The latest conspiracy theory from Alex Jones, radio show host and noted conspiracy theorist, thinks the government has a shady new trick up its sleeve. According to Jones, in addition to drone strikes in Pakistan, hiding aliens in Roswell, and arming Social Security personnel, the U.S. government is also “encouraging homosexuality with chemicals.”

On his radio show, Jones claimed that government operatives are putting “homosexual chemicals” into the plastic membranes of juice boxes in order to stem population growth.  A clip of his broadcast shows him energetically cutting open a juice box and revealing the purportedly sinister membrane inside. This membrane, he claims, is laced with chemicals that will make little boys want to put on makeup and short skirts and “put together a garden of roses” – whatever that means.


The 2013 Super Bowl Matchup: Marketing Ploy?

By Anthony Moreno
January 24, 2013 1:24PM

This year’s Super Bowl matchup, with a kickoff early Sunday night, February 3, is already being called the Harbaugh-Bowl in the media.

The sporting event got its nickname from the fact that Jim and John Harbaugh are the two coaches of the 49ers and the Ravens, respectively, which are facing off in Super Bowl 47 that night. The Harbaughs are brothers―something that has never happened before in the history of the game. Some cynics believe that the low probability of two brothers squaring off at the Superdome is further proof that the brothers didn’t earn their trip to Super Bowl 47, that someone rigged the NFL playoffs to ensure a marketing/ratings/media-story bonanza.

It’s so fortuitous that Kathy Ensor, a statistics professor and department chair at Rice University, put the odds of Jim and John having met at the Super Bowl as “astronomical.”


RFK Jr.: A Conspiracy Killed JFK

By Anthony Moreno
January 17, 2013 1:24PM

Almost 50 years later, there’s a new twist in the JFK assassination conspiracy.

Robert Kennedy Jr. has announced that his uncle, President Kennedy, may not have been the victim of a lone assailant but rather that of a large conspiracy. To boot, Junior revealed that his father, who was also assassinated under questionable circumstances, privately believed that the Warren Commission report was a “shoddy piece of craftsmanship.”

Publicly, members of Camelot have remained rather quiet about the murder since it happened some five decades ago. But privately, some Kennedys have expressed the same doubts about certain areas of the JFK assassination as supposed conspiracy nuts, doubts that RFK Jr. has now shared with the rest of us…


Strange Lights In Detroit Point To Aliens

By Lyz Lenz
January 15, 2013 1:16PM

It seems as if there is more life happening over Detroit than in Detroit. The Huffington Post recently reported that strange lights have been hovering over the Motor City. The local Fox 2 News documented the mysterious lights, while many Michigan residents wrote of similar sightings on the network’s Facebook page.

Shaun, one Facebook poster, claimed: “They were black triangle-shaped objects making circles over West Bloomfield and Farmington Hills. There was no noise and they had bright lights. I’m not making this up and I know somebody else saw these things.”

Click here for the full video.



Sandy Hook Conspiracies Grow Disturbing

By Anthony Moreno
January 11, 2013 1:40PM

The U.S. government hasn’t always operated with the clearest or best intentions, but that doesn’t mean everything that happens is the work of a mass conspiracy. There are lone gunmen out there, including at the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting.

Sandy Hook is a tragedy beyond tragic. And instead of respecting the memory of those that passed away on December 14, the theory that the shooting was part of a vast conspiracy plot has grown increasingly disturbing.

Newtown truthers are no longer just disseminating information that presents the massacre as the work of some covert death squad. They’re saying that the Sandy Hook shooting never happened, and that it was a hoax perpetrated by the Obama administration to build public support for a dismantling of the Second Amendment…


Aliens Are After Our Oil

By Norma Lee Jennings
January 10, 2013 1:14PM

Aliens may be trying to steal our oil — and there’s nothing you can do about it.

See, if we assume the laws of physics operate consistently throughout the galaxy, an alien spacecraft traveling millions of miles to Earth would eventually need some kind of fuel, maybe some form of hydrogen fusion or a gravity drive. Another possibly: a UFO would need something as low-tech as gasoline.

I know what you’re thinking – if aliens have the ability to fly across the universe surely they’ve progressed beyond the same fuel that powers weed-whackers. But new photographic evidence suggests that at least one type of alien craft does, indeed, run on gasoline.


Tsunami Bombs Are Real And Possibly Deadly

By Anthony Moreno
January 8, 2013 1:58PM

A tsunami bomb may sound like a trashy cocktail but, as it turns out, it’s actually exactly what its name implies.

According to newly-disclosed documents, the United States government eyed using a real tsunami-causing explosive during WWII. In collaboration with New Zealand, the U.S. carried out secret tests to develop a bomb that was capable of creating 33-foot tidal waves. Conspiracy theories that such a bomb was used to cause the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami no longer seem so ludicrous.

The idea of using a weapon to create tidal waves has long been the stuff of paranoid folklore, but archives dug up by filmmaker Ray Waru prove that the idea belongs in the annals of history. A scary, disheartening history…


Nothing Can Stop Drone Strikes On U.S. Citizens

By Eric Sampson
January 6, 2013 1:02PM

In 2011, three American citizens with alleged connections to terrorist organizations were killed by drone strikes while traveling abroad. And there’s nothing to be done about it.

The first thing that makes this so uncomfortable is the fact that two men and a teenage boy were killed by their government, most likely without warning. Regardless of whether or not they had actually committed a crime, their extrajudicial killing was, at best, vigilante justice and, at worst, outright murder.

The second scary thought is that this could also happen to you. It starts with the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which was just renewed for 2013. In this act, the government reserves that right of “indefinite detention of American citizens without due process at the discretion of the President.” This sentence, in Section 1021, effectively discredits the Fifth Amendment’s right of due process and a fair trial. So, if the government suspects you of being a terrorist, associating with terrorists, or supporting an organization with links to terrorism, you could be arrested and held without trial, or, worse yet, executed without warning.


Hillary Clinton’s Health Scare Causes Conspiracy Bonanza

By Lyz Lenz
January 3, 2013 1:51PM

Man, some people will do anything to avoid a Congressional hearing about Benghazi.

Hillary Clinton gets a concussion and right-wing conspiracy theorists accuse her of “faking it”. Now, amid reports that she was suffering from a blood clot, rumors are spreading that the Secretary of State was actually severely injured in a secret trip to Iran and President Obama is preparing for her death… even though she’s been released from the hospital.


Best of the Conspiratorium 2012

By Norma Lee Jennings
December 31, 2012 12:05PM

It was the year of Superstorm Sandy, the Aurora shootings, and the presidential elections. It was also a year of secrets, lies, and misdirection. What were some of the top conspiracies of 2012?

10. 16 Conspiracy Theory Tattoos
Ink is in and these conspiracy-inspired tats were hotter than ever in 2012.

9. 12 Disasters and the People Who Got Rich from Them
Though ever cloud has a silver lining, some corporations think that the same clouds that brought Hurricane Sandy and other natural disasters can line their pockets with gold.

8. 10 Reasons to Fear Mexico’s Drug War
The violence across our southern border is heating up. Who’s to blame? The cartels, the Mexican government, or the CIA?


Don’t Look Down! America’s Fiscal Cliff

By Blogger 51
December 28, 2012 12:49AM

The economy, it seems, may finally be looking up. Consumer spending is rising, unemployment is down (or at least holding steady), and there are more new home buyers now than any time in the past two years. But don’t hold your breath for an economic boost. This is just a temporary respite before the country dives headfirst over the fiscal cliff.

Chances are you’ve heard of this Fiscal Cliff, and chances are even greater that you aren’t entirely sure what the hell everyone’s talking about. Here’s the Reader’s Digest version: the U.S. government has a debt problem. The debt to GDP ratio is approximately 1:1, which means that it would take all the money the entire country earns in a year to pay off the debt the government holds.


“Alien” Skulls Found in Mexico

By Norma Lee Jennings
December 26, 2012 12:40AM

Thirteen otherworldly skulls have been unearthed from the Mexican desert. The bones are old – they have been in the ground for about 1000 years.  They were discovered in 1999 when crews were digging an irrigation ditch in the Sonora Desert in northwestern Mexico.  The ancient cemetery held twenty-five skulls in all – twelve looked human and thirteen had a distinctly alien cast to them.

The thirteen elongated skulls have been the topic of much discussion in the archeological world for the past decade, and last month researchers finally completed their analysis of the remains. Disappointing to some, it turns out that even the most elongated skulls are definitely human. But there were still some strange things about them.

