Chemtrails: Are You Over This Fact Yet? They Are Over You! Take A Deep Breath…

Hats off to the man who captured and recorded the most convincing piece of evidence to date that ‘Silver’-‘Aluminum’ or Silver-like ‘Heavy Metal’ particles are falling directly down from our skies like snowflakes and straight upon our heads.

We know it’s been going on for years, but so many chemtrails have been debunked or ridiculed by both genuine and trolling skeptics, – and why ‘chemtrails’ keep getting dismissed by the masses. This film footage seems to have captured what is really falling from our skies, – and it’s not looking healthy at that!!
Though there are many minerals, that when filmed like this directly into the sun, will look iridescent.
It’s tiny iridescent particles such as this that has killied millions of people around the world; coal/iron/copper/silver/gold-miners, quarrymen and anyone who worked [or still works in this field – is killing millions worlwide] with asbestos, etc. – it’s because they are so tiny particles, that we cannot do anything else; – other than to breath them in!
Whatever is falling down on us, we are 100% breathing that shit in, even if it wasn’t anything sinister, i.e. being done deliberately – [which it is though!] it’s got to be seriously dangerous to our health.

Though because we are unable to check the sources they have been using for samples, many people are skeptical about it. That’s what is so good about this video above, it clearly shows the particles falling.
Further tests with witnesses involved need to be carried out to see what’s precisely in those particles, – many people on Youtube have made similar test on particles they have alleged to have captured and then examined under microscope. There’s even been expert laboratory tests carried out; proving extremely high levels of dangerous Barium have been found in the sample seen in the news clip item below, – though they too question the validity of the sample.

This is why witnesses need to be used who can independently vouch they have seen the whole process; – as there are different ways how to gather and then test it.
It’s no secret there are all kinds of chemical pollutants in the air, among them; Neodymium, Barium, Bismuth and Aluminum which is the same element group.
Barium enema’s are common, often used on suspected cancer patients as it glows in the intestines, and thought not to be too toxic used this way. However, it’s a completely different story if you was to ingest or breath it in, it will kill you in strong enough doses – either instantly or over a period of time, though is at the rate the video shows – heavy particulates relentlessly falling down from the skies, then who can say what period of time this really is?
According to experts and some commenters have picked up on, it is said; Bismurth is diamagnetic which means it is being used in the production of particles which can be steered through plasma and electromagnetic fields. It creates a field in opposition of an externally applied magnetic field, causing a repulsive effect (levitation). It has to do with multipole expansions, vector potential in electromagnetism and gravitational waves; i.e. some mathematicians are having a whale of a time.
Barium Crystals are very refractive, reflective and fluorescent (shiny colours like in the vidoe above).
Vaporised metallic crystals are used for imaging, atmospheric studies and reflectivity. Metallic powders are combined in colloidal fuels and superheated and expelled into the air where they recombine into compounds that are useful for radar imaging, weather remediation, weather modification, stratospheric studies; i.e. – dual technologies…
Apart from other unknown chemicals being sprayed into the atmosphere; Barium nanoparticles are used in aerosols and therefore probably being sparyed into the skies via chemtrails.
Proof that Chemtrails contain High Levels of Barium
Some debunkers say along the lines; “Anything sprayed over your head will not fall on you, as it will remain in the upper atmosphere for a long time. Then there is the matter of wind; something sprayed will be blown by the wind for miles and miles before settling out.”
D’oh! – “Blown by the wind for miles and miles before settling out!” The morons, so if it’s not falling on your back yard that day because it’s blown away; – then what about all the shit released miles ahead of where they live and when it’s at the right distance away to now settle and fall down then on them!!
Inside shot of a Chemtrail Airplane?
Chemtrail Tanks? Some argue they are simply “Ballast Barrells”, yet they are clearly tanks and hardly represent the inner seating struture of a commercial passenger aircraft, though it is obviously one, though been converted.
Okay, so let’s give them the benefit of doubt and say that’s what they are; ‘Ballast Barrels’ – then what are these next airplanes carrying…, ballast my ass!
There is much debate as to why on earth would the elite “spray their own”? – Then to try and understand this, it would help to understand Geo-Enginering & Trans-Humanism. In the below excellent video – around the 1:35 time – there’s a good explanation about chem-trails and as to why “they” are doing this to us and ‘themselves’!
Whilst many of us live ‘in the day’, ‘the present’, there are those working on way in the future and this is very likely what the future will hold.
The Georgia Stones = a population of 500,000,000, the eradication of billions of humans is yet to come to meet this recommendation; – the ‘ideal’ sustainable population the world should carry and care for in the future.
And if they wanted to get really nasty they could spray whatever and whenever they want, as in the days of “Agent Orange”…  Trans-Humanism / Genetic Modification of all Life / Nano-Technology / HAARP / Geo-engineering – Film.
Incredible footage of orbs caught lurking in the clouds.  Even more amazing footage of chem-trials being created by something other than a “normal” aircraft. Perhaps all the above shots of chem-trail tanks are “old hat”, and that “cloud-loving-making-orbs” are the future!!
For more great shots people have added – check the original article;
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