By Jim Fetzer (with Amanda)
“You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time”–Abraham Lincoln
Absence of computer usage from 2008-12
As Wolfgang Halbig prepares to head to Newtown to pursue the truth about Sandy Hookand confront the Newtown School Board with questions, more and more evidence suggests that Sandy Hook Elementary was not even an operating school.
Not only does information about the alleged victims of the shooting–their names, their ages and their sex–not appear in the “State Police Final Report” from Connecticut, but the “autopsy photos” that accompany the report were redacted in their entirety. Actual proof of real victims is virtually non-existent.
When you combine that with the Clerk of Newtown entering into secret meetings with the state legislature to circumvent the release of their death certificates and those engaged in the destruction of the school building itself being required to agree to life-time “gag orders” about what they did or did not see and the probability we are dealing with a staged event grows larger.
A review of the redacted video coverage from the “Final Report” suggests there was a half-hearted effort to create the appearance of a thorough investigation without the substance, which is what we would expect if the entire exercise were no more than a random compilation of images. Those of the bathrooms may be the most important, since they hint the school was non-ADA compliant, an issue that we pursue below:
YouTube – Veterans Today –
Most significantly, there was a recorded absence of computer activity at the school from 2008-12, which would be inconceivable unless it had been abandoned and was not actually functioning as an operating school. The limited activity in early 2008 combined with reemergence of activity in 2013 seems to have been resulted from reactivating the building for its use as a prop in late-2012.
Sandy Hook had no computer activity
Several web sites, including The Last Great Stand and Fellowship of the Minds, have reported that, by using the Wayback machine (which enables earlier versions of web sites to be accessed, even though they are not current), it is possible to demonstrate that Sandy Hook Elementary School had no internet activity from 2008 until late 2012 in striking contrast to other elementary schools:
In a video that you can watch on YouTube, a man who calls himself “Jungle Surfer” claims to have found “proof” that Sandy Hook Elementary School was closed 5 years before the alleged massacre. Using the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, Jungle Surfer says he found no Internet activity from the location of SHES at 12 Dickenson Dr, Sandy Hook, CT 06482.
YouTube – Veterans Today –Below is a screenshot I took of the Wayback Machine showing the school’s lack of Internet activity since the beginning of the year 2008 through 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. You can also see it for yourself by going here.
Click image to enlarge
Reader “Christopher Marlowe” wrote this comment on March 7, 2014, on a blog that posted Jungle Surfer’s video on the Wayback Machine:
The proof is sublime. The wayback machine isn’t perfect, but it doesn’t lie. The site was accessed each year, from 2000 to 2008, and then NOTHING until 2013.
The wayback machine uses the googlebot crawls to preserve pictures of the site on a given day. (Brief research reveals that the bots record a snapshot when the site is updated, but my own testing shows that there is a heavy tie-in to the amount of web traffic….)
Other dead sites show a drop-off similar to what we see in the sandy hoax school:;;; urbanfetch.comOr let’s compare apples to apples, shall we?*/*/*/
Sandy Hook was non-ADA compliant
Another telling indication that Sandy Hook Elementary was not an operating school is the absence of designated parking for handicapped Americans, which is a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which was passed by Congress in 1990. It has been implemented by specific requirements for ramps and special parking designated for the disabled, none of which appears to be present at Sandy Hook Elementary more than two decades later. Here are Connecticut’s general statutory requirements:
Here is a photograph of the school taken on the day of the shooting. Notice that the handicapped parking areas are not properly demarcated with white paint and blue markings. There are no “above grade signs with white lettering against a blue background” that bear the words, “handicapped parking permit required” and “violators will be fined”, which means that Sandy Hook Elementary School was non-ADA compliant. That day, CNN was mixing images from other schools with those from Sandy Hook:
Confirmation from
Patrick says: February 22, 2014 at 7:07 am
I still remain stuck on the parking lot, lophatt. Bureaucrats are very reliable. They go by the book with the most annoying fastidiousness, and the book at issue here is the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, which mandated that handicapped parking spots in public parking lots be painted blue.
It is inconceivable that a public grammar school would ignore that requirement for more than two decades. I am not the one around here who first noticed the anomalous parking lot, but ever since this was pointed out it has struck me as definitive evidence that the building, if it was used for anything, had not been used as a school since the 1980s at the latest. I’d call it proof.
John Luv says: February 23, 2014 at 3:29 pm
Musings, I have helped out my handicapped uncle for the greater part of 25 years. All handicapped spots in malls, walmart, doctor’s offices, public buildings, private buildings, apt. buildings, schools, universities etc. have lines that are painted white, and a different color from the surrounding yellow lines. The lines are not blue, but white. The picture of the wheelchair which is painted in the spot is white/blue or blue/white. The sign placards have a blue background with a white caricature of a wheelchair and sometimes vise versa. That doesn’t matter. What does matter is that they are NOT painted yellow, are separate from the yellow lines, and closest to the entrances.
The SHES parking lot was clearly in violation of not only the color scheme, but it was in deplorable condition and probably not resurfaced in over three decades or more. It did have evidence of patching and crack sealing, but nothing else. I guess they didn’t want any of the actors who parked there during the drill to get tire damage from the numerous potholes that were covered over, lol!
Here is a Google map image showing the improperly marked handicapped parking areas
Sandy Hook was in violation of fire codes
Comments from public school teachers on YouTube videos have observed that Sandy Hook was “obviously” a decommissioned school and that there was no way it would have been allowed to operate, given all of the fire code violations present (boxes and furniture stacked up in front of windows, near doors and exits) in photographs taken inside the school. Here are some illustrations:
Consider what those who are familiar with elementary schools have to say about the condition of Sandy Hook, including from a professional plumber, Terry Cronin, who remarked:
Great video Sherrie. I have noticed something from one of the videos inside the school. Video #4 ( scroll down to “Indoor Scene Processing Video” section, click on “WDMCS School Interior 4 of 5″) at 14:10 and then again at 18:28 shows what appear to be remodeled handicapped (ADA compliant) in the children’s bathrooms.
I am a plumber, and it is apparent that all they did to make an ADA compliant stall was remove one of the toilets and an intervening partition, but they left the dirty cast iron toilet flange in place on the floor! This would never pass any kind of code where I am from, much less be left that way in a school. You can also see the capped off pipe sticking out of the wall where the flush valve would have been.
There isn’t a lot of room for doubt that this was not a functioning school, but was being used for the purpose of storage for other schools. Consider these observations:
Perhaps the best of all comes from Stephanie Sliwinski, who makes it unmistakably clear that “it is a common practice for public school districts to use a decommissioned school as a storage yard for old furniture”, which was the function of Sandy Hook. While her comment originated with the first of these videos, her observations are further substantiated by the second:
Stephanie Sliwinski — Ask ANY teacher, janitor, school administrator, etc it is common practice for public school districts to use a decommissioned school as a storage yard for old furniture and items the district has little use for. This exactly what this is. The Fire Marshall inspects each and every classroom each year (especially THAT close to a fire station where they were driving past it daily) and there is no way in Hell he would approve of all that large and bulky, old furniture boarded up against the windows. What if a fire broke out in the hallway and fire blocked the door? How would small kids escape? The windows at ground level of course. This story stank from the first five minutes. As a former public school teacher for ten years I have never ever seen a working school look like that. Especially not an elementary in an affluent area. Fake fake fake as the day is long.
Sandy Hook was an environmental disaster
The Last Great Stand and Fellowship of the Minds, have also reported that the Newtown School Board was aware of extensive environmental problems with Sandy Hook Elementary School, which was so loaded with bio-hazards that it would have been quite difficult and extremely expensive to have brought the building into compliance with code:
In his recent interview with Wolfgang Halbig, the school safety consultant and former state trooper who calls the Dec. 14, 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting “a contrived scripted event” in the planning for 2-2½ years, Infowars reporter Dan Bidondi said something very intriguing (beginning at the 50:45 mark in the video below):
YouTube – Veterans Today –
Bidondi said: “Was this whole thing [Sandy Hook shooting] even staged? Was it real? You have neighbors reporting the school’s been closed down for God knows how long…. They can’t understand why there were kids in that building because it was condemned.”Indeed, according to local paper The Newtown Bee, nearly 10 months after the shooting on October 5, 2013, a city referendum passed by over 90% authorizing Newtown to move forward with the demolition and rebuilding of Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES) with a $49.25 million grant from the State of Connecticut. The Bee says: “Anticipating the referendum would pass, town officials already filed environmental paperwork with the state to move forward with asbestos abatement at the former school, which will dovetail with demolition crews who could be on site by the last week in October.”
What this means is that even without the alleged massacre, the school would have been demolished because of asbestos contamination.
In fact, a search of Newtown Bee‘s archives shows that the town had known about the school’s environmental problems for many years:
- On October 2, 2002, The Bee reports that “The Newtown School District could be looking at a $29.5 million price tag to upgrade its mechanical systems and bring them to code at the four elementary schools and middle school over the next five to six years. Consulting Engineering Services (CES) was hired by the district to study the mechanical systems at Hawley School, Head O’ Meadow School, Middle Gate School, Newtown Middle School, and Sandy Hook School to evaluate the heating and ventilating infrastructure, temperature control, and to see what renovations would need to be performed to upgrade ventilation systems to meet indoor air quality codes. Sandy Hook School … is being recommended by CES to be worked on in 2010 over a nine-month period. It is estimated to cost $4.5 million for heating and ventilation and $400,000 for air conditioning.” That comes to about $5 million, which is puny compared to the $49.25 million state grant Newtown received after the alleged shooting massacre for the demolition and rebuilding of the school.
- On April 7, 2003, the Bee reported that “Some studies suggest that as many as 68 percent of school district’s have ‘sick’ buildings ranging from mold to asbestos, radon, pesticides, and the use of improperly ventilated areas as classroom space. For the past five years, teachers in Connecticut have had the highest rate of occupational asthma when compared to other professions.“
- On March 26, 2004 , the Bee reported that “the Board of Education … received the bad news that there were serious problems with the Sandy Hook elementary school roof.”
- And then there’s this curious Newtown Bee article of November 7, 2008, 4 years before the alleged shooting massacre: “The asbestos levels in Newtown schools pose no threat to the health or safety of those using the schools, according to Superintendent John Reed. The areas in the schools where there is evidence of asbestos … are also considered acceptable and safe.”
- On October 12, 2012, two months before the alleged school shooting, there’s this curious letter from reader Charles Hepp to The Newtown Beeabout a plan to close an elementary school due to declining enrollment. Hepp wrote, “Six months ago, in April 2012, our Board of Ed voted unanimously to accept a study which laid out a plan for closing an elementary school … the study found that, should our elementary school population fall below 1,500, the BOE should look towards closing an elementary school. We are currently at approximately 1,650 elementary school students.”
- But then a year after the alleged massacre and after the school had been completely torn down with the demolition workers sworn to confidentiality, The Bee reported on Dec. 2, 2013 that Public Building & Site Commission Chairman Robert Mitchell issued a report that directly contradicts the earlier 2008 assessment that asbestos levels in Newtown’s schools posed no threat to health. Mitchell’s report said “had the town decided to reoccupy the [Sandy Hook Elementary] school on Dickinson Drive, it would have faced a daunting and possibly insurmountable challenge regarding the presence of hazardous materials” because “PCBs were not only discovered in concrete block, but under terrazzo flooring and in sulfur block used in the foundations and footings. In addition, vinyl asbestos tile was discovered under carpeted areas, along with asbestos in the mastic holding insulation to the subfloor tunnel ductwork.”
Sandy Hook had been abandoned
What we have found–building upon and reporting the previous work of reasonvoice, Dr. Eowyn, Jungle Surfer and others–we have now established the following:
(a) that there was no computer activity at Sandy Hook Elementary School from 2008-2012;
(b) that Sandy Hook Elementary School was non-compliant with Connecticut’s ADA requirements;
(c) that Sandy Hook Elementary School was in violation of Connecticut’s own fire codes;
(d) that Sandy Hook Elementary School was in deplorable condition as a bio-hazard.
These circumstances could be explained with high probability if Sandy Hook Elementary School had been abandoned in 2008 and was being used by the school district as a storage facility, but they are inexplicable if Sandy Hook Elementary School had been operating during that interval of time. It appears to have been the ideal location to use as stage setting for a shooting drill that would be presented to the world as a children’s massacre, where the American people have been played for saps by (what appears to have been) a cleverly constructed hoax intended to promote gun control and the subversion of the 2nd Amendment and thereby advance the political agenda of the Obama administration.
We would encourage all of our readers to view the photographic and the video evidence for themselves and to share them with others, especially those working at public schools, who should immediately be able to spot the problems with Sandy Hook Elementary School. Since we have only scratched the surface–and no doubt many more anomalies remain to be exposed–here is a link to the Connecticut State Police Sandy Hook Shooting Report. We suggest that readers view the indoor and outdoor scene processing videos and download the 22 photographic evidence files, review them for anomalies, report back here and share their observations in the comments section below.
In combination with the other evidence we have published that supports the conclusion that “the Sandy Hook massacre” is a fraud–(1) that proof of death has been suppressed, (2) that emergency protocols were not followed, (3) that drill protocols were followed, (4) that there was foreknowledge of the event, (5) that there was confusion over what weapons were used, (6) that the suspect cannot possibly have carried out the shooting as claimed, (7) that strange behavior was displayed by officials, witnesses and relatives, (8) that there are many odd photos of participants, (9) that the crime scene was destroyed under conditions of secrecy, and (10) that some of the children even appear to have been featured as singers at the Super Bowl–the shooting scenario was a hoax. And there isn’t a lot of room for doubt about it.
Amanda, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist with a gift for research, was indispensable in locating the right content for this article.
Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, is McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth.
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