Please read to the end. This is important. It’s about National Security…and individual safety. The role of victim is what’s being foisted on us in the Phase 2 of Jihad (infiltration)…so pay attention.
At the WCS School Board meeting last week, a few parents stood up to voice their concerns. One parent was concerned about classroom air quality. Two parents were concerned about the new school in Nolensville being named “Nolensville High School.” Julie West voiced opposition to Common Core, and textbook purchases (at 11 min. mark). Julie West mentioned that CC is not just “a state issue;” many school districts, most recently Bradley County, TN have opted out of Common Core. West said WCS has the ability to reject Common Core, if they want to. (This is the opposite of what Superintendent Mike Looney told me at the Chamber of Commerce luncheon.) In Bradley County’s statement rejecting Common Core, they listed these reasons; 1) highly disruptive to student growth, 2) disruptive to the effectiveness of teacher lesson plans, 3) has not been benchmarked 4) data gathering would impact the student achievement component of teacher evaluation, and 5) they reject PARCC assessments.
West said it’s fiscally imprudent to continue investing in Common Core implementation, when it could easily be rejected at the state legislature and gone by spring.
Then a Muslim father, Daoud Abudiab stood and spoke. (12:55 minute) His concern is that his sophomore-at-Summit-High son is “frustrated… with the environment that the discourse over the textbook selections has caused.” Daoud said his family has recently moved from Maury County to Williamson County because of; 1) the quality of education in WCS school system, and so that 2) “our children have a safe environment…I’m referring to the ability to attend class, be amongst peers who respect and are able to appreciate the diversity that exists within the student body.”
Daoud (from Jerusalem he has claimed) continued, “Our Islamic Center in Columbia was fire bombed in 2007, and we made the decision to move once. The discourse over the textbook has to be fair and has to be accurate, but it is not right to be influenced by groups who have special agendas and who drive to make certain groups of students, including my son feel unwelcome in his school system.” He sat down.
My name was read aloud because I was signed up to speak…but I wasn’t there because I had been held up at meeting across town.
I watched this School Board meeting on the Internet yesterday (above video) and began wondering what Daoud expects parents to do…not discuss what their children are being taught? I assume he is addressing the Islam bias issue in the textbooks. Maybe he is addressing the sexually inappropriate books, or the socialist propaganda. He didn’t say. But, since he mentioned his Islamic Center burning down, I assume this is about Islam. Does he expect parents not to be concerned about their kids being indoctrinated? Does he expect Americans to say nothing when their textbooks are suddenly biased toward Islam? And, if all Americans converted to Islam right now, would that really ensure that his son never be harassed at school. All children suffer some kind of peer conflict. Some kids are bullied because they don’t wear “hip” clothes, some because they are fat, some because they are short, bad at sports, or have a squeaky voice.
No, there is something deeper going on here. I sense it is an example of “civilization jihad.” Playing the victim is part of the strategy in stealth jihad. See the book, Shariah The Threat. The large mosque in Murfreesboro seems to be sending out “missionaries” to make “church plants,” I mean, “mosque plants” in the outlying areas of Nashville.
I wonder what “groups with special agendas” Daoud Abudab is referring to. (I know he is in a group with a special agenda. Remziya Suleyman is always at the TN Capital representing the Muslim agenda. Most recently tweeting on 9/11, of all days, that American Hx is B…S… and should be replaced by the book “Muslims in American History by Dirks which claims that Muslims founded America”). It must be the group of concerned moms that I am a part of, the, who have brought to the attention of the unsuspecting public the fact that the textbooks currently being used in Williamson County Schools are anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, Anti-American, and pro-Islam; and, they contain revisionist history, errors, lies, and omissions.
Guess who wrote these biased Pearson textbooks? “Pearson hired Shabbir Mansuri, and Susan Douglass (a convert to Islam) to review and consult on the material being written for textbooks. One problem is that both of these individuals are associated with the Council for Islamic Education, a front for the Muslim Brotherhood in America.” Story here.
Abudiab should be grateful to live in America where he enjoys Freedom of Religion. (The burning of his mosque in Columbia where Swastikas were painted on the side of the building – that was not done by Christians, as he claims here, but by a white supremacist group called the Christian Identity Movement.) Christians don’t paint Swastikas on buildings, or burn them down.
Muslims are not killed and can build mosques in America. Christians and Jews are killed and cannot build churches or synagogues in Muslim countries.
According to the Huffington Post and Christians are the most persecuted group around the world. So, I should be playing victim, not Abudiab.
The day after I attended the Common Core debate at Tullahoma High School, where a packed room of concerned citizens left even more convinced that Comm(unist) Core must go, a friend told me about a Facebook entry she had just seen, that had my name in it.
It was a FB post with a photo of a man I don’t know. The name next to it was Daoud Abudiab.
It said, “I bought a beautiful home in a beautiful subdivision in beautiful (he puts my town here)! And this is my new neighbor in (he puts my town here), Tennessee Victoria Jackson and her website! Of course, she has friends who support her in making Williamson County a scary place to live for some of us. I wonder how this will be viewed by companies like Nissan and their diverse workforce and their families!
Read one comment from one contributor to her site below! Wow, and these people who claim to be “good peaceful Christians” are afraid of me???
Let me see, my children were bullied and my house of worship was fire-bombed. A crazy world we live in!”
Then, he puts a post that he saw on my web site supposedly. It’s from a stranger I’ve never met. (For all I know Daoud Abudiab could have posted it.) It says;
“plb5678, Crusade 2.0, and we don’t stop until THEY all convert to Christianity, the one and only True God of peace, we must stop kowtowing to Islam and call them for what they are-murderers, rapists, animals, thugs, etc…..”
I checked the School Board video and it is the same man.
He’s afraid of me?!
According to these statistics, I should be afraid of him!
Family and friends have asked me not to talk about Islam. They are afraid for me and my family. Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Have the terrorists already won? If we are afraid to have a public discussion about anything….they have already won.
Am I paranoid to think Abudiab has recently moved from a home 20 min. away to my neighborhood a month after I was on the Alan Colmes show debating Muslim Brotherhood/Obama linked Salam Marayati on the radio? Or is this a coincidence?
How does Daoud feel about this story on Allen West’s website about the fact that there are Islamic Terrorist Training Camps in America? Does this article scare him as an American? Or does he support it?
Did Daoud publicly denounce the actions of the Muslim Brotherhood or the Muslims on 9/11? Does he denounce Hamas?
Emily Fuentes from Open Doors said that of the 50 worst nations for persecution, 37 of them are Muslim. “Nine of the worst 10 nations for Christian persecution are Islamic. In addition to Syria in third slot, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Pakistan, Iran and Yemen are among the worst of the worst. Fuentes said another disturbing twist is the melding of radical Islam with communist and other totalitarian ideologies.”
Read more at WND here.
In response to Abudiab’s claim that Huma Abedin (Hilary Clinton’s assistant) is an “outstanding American Muslim citizen,” article here, here is the truth about Huma Abedin and her connection to the Muslim Sisterhood/Brotherhood, a terrorist organization according to Egypt. And, “here’s the resume, according to Nonie Darwish, of Huma Abedine’s mother: Dr. Saleha Mahmood Abedin is one of the founding members of the Muslim Sisterhood, and more importantly the long-time chairperson of the “International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child” (IICWC), which wants to impose Sharia law on Egypt, and eventually, the West.” Huma Abedin has not denounced the Muslim Sisterhood or Brotherhood.
Muslims are allowed to lie for Allah. It’s called “taquiya.” Christians are commanded by God in the Ten Commandments, “Thou shalt not lie.” So, I can’t really believe anything Daoud Abudiab says. I know that his religion commands him to “kill the infidel.” This does not make me feel comfortable that he is my new neighbor.
However, I give only love to him. I will start praying for him to open his mind and consider reading the Bible, Genesis to Revelation, and maybe accepting Jesus as his Savior. Islam does not allow a Muslim to convert to another religion. If Abudiab did become a Christian, he could be killed by his fellow Muslims. But, I believe human beings are individuals, and have an innate thirst for truth. Many people have abandoned the way they were brainwashed as a child, to follow an inner divine conviction. Daoud, you have nothing to fear from me or my family. We disagree with your worldview, but we love you. Jesus commands us to “love your neighbor as yourself,” and to “love your enemies, bless them that curse you.” So, I bless you.
In response to Abudiab’s letter in Columbia’s Daily Herald, here, where he says, “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, be it Muslim or Christian,” I agree with the Daily Roll Call’s response:
Mr Abudiab, your community has created its own division. No one cares about your religion, it’s what you do under the guise of the religion that people don’t trust. Your community has taken the stand you are special and require special accommodations. The insistence upon our public schools knowing about your “culture,” or the insistence we learn about islam is what is troubling. If muslims want to teach their children the way of islam, the sunnah and the hadiths, then build schools for them, but don’t demand non-muslims must be exposed to it.
In closing, “what is good for the goose is good for the gander” then you are right. So please don’t be offended when your child comes home with a Bible, tells you he has to learn Hebrew, or is taking a field trip to a synagogue. The very things you are demanding of people in this country are the very things that are raising suspicions. Perhaps you can explain why Mr Nihad Awad attended the opening of the Murfreesboro Islamic Center, or explain how his organization CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator in this countrys’ largest terrorism funding case. Mr Awad has publicly stated “I support the Hamas movement”. Maybe you can explain why a group called Connecting Cultures has entered the public schools to “train” the administrators to “understand” the muslim students. How about explaining why CAIR is so active in pursuing law suits against those that don’t wish to change textbooks or curriculums.
Can you explain why you feel you have constitutional rights, when you as a muslim cannot acknowledge or accept man-made laws? Can you explain why Mr Omar Ahmed states: “Islam is not in America to become one of many religions, islam is here to dominate”?
If you choose to say this is “hate” then be prepared to define and articulate how it is. Remember whats good for the goose is good for the gander.”