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Signs of His Returning
Matt 24:3-44
(scripture from the Complete Jewish Bible with restored names)
(scripture from the Complete Jewish Bible with restored names)
3 When he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the talmidim came to him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that you are coming, and that the ‘olam hazeh is ending?”
4Yeshua replied: “Watch out! Don’t let anyone fool you! 5For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Messiah!’ and they will lead many astray.
This scripture was something that threw me for 30 years, I always was taught that it was those impersonating the Son and the reality in the Hebrew is it’s people confirming that Yeshuah is the Messiah, but then teaching false doctrines. That is what we see prevalent in today’s modern christianity. No one will deny that Yeshuah (Jesus) is the Messiah, but they will indeed lead people astray with a strange gospel that dismisses the Torah and all that Yeshuah taught
6You will hear the noise of wars nearby and the news of wars far off; see to it that you don’t become frightened. Such things must happen, but the end is yet to come. 7For peoples will fight each other, nations will fight each other,
We’re seeing this with the nations rallying up (falsely) against the conflict of Ukraine/Russia. Few know that Ukraine is the stronghold of the evil one and that the Khazarian Mafia runs all things in that nation. Putin is dismantling that stronghold
and there will be famines and earthquakes in various parts of the world; 8all this is but the beginning of the ‘birth-pains.’
We’re now seeing starvation events in China and shortages here in the US that will quickly lead to rationing and then ultimately subjugation if you want to eat
9At that time you will be arrested and handed over to be punished and put to death, and all peoples will hate you because of me. 10At that time many will be trapped into betraying and hating each other,
Imagine what will happen when people have to feed children, some that are not of sound ethics will indeed betray others for a morsel of food. Starvation is a very strong motivator and as has been said historically, if you control the food of a people, you control their minds.
11many false prophets will appear and fool many people; 12and many people’s love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah. 13But whoever holds out till the end will be delivered. 14And this Good News about the Kingdom will be announced throughout the whole world as a witness to all the Goyim. It is then that the end will come.
As there are now, there will be many more in pulpits preaching foolishness to those that have no knowledge of the Torah. Yeshuah stated he only brought what had been given and that was the words Moses documented that were handed down at Sinai. The fact that none of this is taught in the modern church and that the modern church scorns the words of Moses means millions are lost thinking their found (they are the goats at the sheep and goat separation).
15“So when you see the abomination that causes devastation spoken about through the prophet Dani’el standing in the Holy Place” (let the reader understand the allusion), 16“that will be the time for those in Y’hudah to escape to the hills. 17If someone is on the roof, he must not go down to gather his belongings from his house; 18if someone is in the field, he must not turn back to get his coat. 19What a terrible time it will be for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20Pray that you will not have to escape in winter or on Shabbat. 21For there will be trouble then worse than there has ever been from the beginning of the world until now, and there will be nothing like it again! 22Indeed, if the length of this time had not been limited, no one would survive; but for the sake of those who have been chosen, its length will be limited.
Many teachers stumble here and have to postulate as to what this means. We had this happen when the temple was desecrated several hundred years before Yeshuah arrived. Think of this twofold, if it’s the physical temple (rebuilt) we will indeed see someone desecrate it with an unclean sacrifice or the very evil one will Himself declare He is God in the temple and seat Himself there. Either way, physically, that’s a possibility. Spiritually, we have to see what makes a person unclean and what are they enthroning on their heart (the new home for the Ruach) in our lives. This is something that those that follow Torah will indeed understand when they see it
23“At that time, if someone says to you, ‘Look! Here’s the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ don’t believe him. 24For there will appear false Messiahs and false prophets performing great miracles — amazing things! — so as to fool even the chosen, if possible. 25There! I have told you in advance! 26So if people say to you, ‘Listen! He’s out in the desert!’ don’t go; or, ‘Look! He’s hidden away in a secret room!’ don’t believe it. 27For when the Son of Man does come, it will be like lightning that flashes out of the east and fills the sky to the western horizon. 28Wherever there’s a dead body, that’s where you find the vultures.
29“But immediately following the trouble of those times,
the sun will grow dark,
the moon will stop shining,
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the powers in heaven will be shaken.
Once all of this happens, the sky goes dark (read Matt 5:16-19) and all begins to be shaken
30“Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, all the tribes of the Land will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with tremendous power and glory. 31He will send out his angels with a great shofar; and they will gather together his chosen people from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
The reality here is it won’t be a secret rapture or a secret arrival. We read in other passages that all will see him coming and will cry out for the rocks to hide them. I truly believe this will be during the Feast of Trumpets (announcing the coming King) and the week leading up to the Day of Atonement, they will see Him for a week coming, it will suddenly appear and He will be coming to us without any doubts. Do believe there won’t be any opportunity for a foxhole conversion at this time. My personal suspicion is this will happen over the week one day at a time with each Trumpet. Could it be longer? Yes. But if it’s to fit within the 7 days from Trumpets to Atonement, this is my personal conviction. I’m not married to it, but will adjust as He shows us more and as that time approaches

The sound of the shofar will whisk away those to the wedding feast from what I’ve studied, leaving everyone else behind facing the coming Messiah. The nations will rage, they will be in an uproar and they will turn to attempt to attack in their impudence. The passage below says if you see these things, it’s coming and this generation won’t pass away without it all happening. The close of the passage says heaven and earth will pass away and the words will remain…

Feasts have always been “appointed times” aka moedim. These are heavenly appointments with eternal impact.
32“Now let the fig tree teach you its lesson: when its branches begin to sprout and leaves appear, you know that summer is approaching. 33In the same way, when you see all these things, you are to know that the time is near, right at the door. 34Yes! I tell you that this people will certainly not pass away before all these things happen. 35Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
36“But when that day and hour will come, no one knows — not the angels in heaven, not the Son, only the Father. 37For the Son of Man’s coming will be just as it was in the days of Noach. 38Back then, before the Flood, people went on eating and drinking, taking wives and becoming wives, right up till the day Noach entered the ark; 39and they didn’t know what was happening until the Flood came and swept them all away. It will be just like that when the Son of Man comes. 40Then there will be two men in a field — one will be taken and the other left behind. 41There will be two women grinding flour at the mill — one will be taken and the other left behind. 42So stay alert, because you don’t know on what day your Lord will come. 43But you do know this: had the owner of the house known when the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and not allowed his house to be broken into. 44Therefore you too must always be ready, for the Son of Man will come when you are not expecting him.
This is one of the most abused scriptures in the Modern Christian church, they insist you can’t know if Yeshuah is coming at all based on the day and the hour, but if you know Hebrew idioms you know this is used in forecasting the new moon/month. We can’t tell what day or hour it will be sighted and it can be off by as much as 18 hours either way. But we do know when that time is coming each month as we see the moon wax and wane.
Similarly we know the sound of the shofar announces the coming King, it also announces the sound of war.

We also know the feasts by specific days (give or take 18 hours) each part of the year as detailed in Leviticus 23, we know when the Feast of Trumpets is as well as the Day of Atonement and when they occur on the Fathers calendar.
My opinion is since Yeshuah was crucified on Passover, resurrected at Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Spirit poured out 49 days later (7 weeks). So the coming Fall Feasts will indeed user in Yeshuah’s return. Trumpets the coming King, Atonement aka Judgement Day and Sukkot where we dwell with our King
Some scriptures we need to really take to heart:
Yeshuah said “unless that time was cut short, no flesh would be saved”. The Fathers calendar is entering the last 7 years of the 6th millenium this week, so unless this time is cut short…no one will survive.
We’re also told that those that “endure to the end will be saved”. So do all you can to walk, talk and teach His words, but do NOT fear anything other than our Heavenly Father. Remember, He and only He has the power to destroy our body and spirit once and for all. No one else can do that.