Noted below are the key events that led to the revolutionary war. Worthy of note, the night Paul Revere rode, the confrontation the next day with the British troops resulted in no gunfire, everyone went home. It took two more confrontations for shots to start being engaged.
The question is, looking at history, what are our corollaries today that we should be examining? Is it the same? Has our government become an elitist organization similar to the crown of Britain? If so, how much more can we as people be saddled with in the name of “the Imperial Federal Crown”?
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Stamp Act Congress | The Stamp Act Congress was a meeting in the building that would become Federal Hall in New York City on October 19, 1765 consisting of delegates from 9 of the 13 colonies that discussed and acted upon the recently passed Stamp Act. | |
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The Townshend Acts | The Townshend Acts, British legislation intended to raise revenue, tighten customs enforcement, and assert imperial authority in America, were sponsored by Chancellor of the Exchequer Charles Townshend, (right – 1725-67) and enacted on June 29, 1767. | |
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The Boston Massacre | The Boston Massacre was an incident that led to the deaths of five civilians at the hands of British troops on March 5, 1770, the legal aftermath of which helped spark the rebellion in some of the British American colonies, which culminated in the American Revolution. | |
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The Boston Tea Party | On December 16, 1773, after officials in Boston refused to return three shiploads of taxed tea to Britain, a group of colonists boarded the ships and destroyed the tea by throwing it into Boston Harbor. | |
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First Continental Congress | The First Continental Congress was a convention of delegates from twelve of the thirteen North American colonies that met on September 5, 1774, at Carpenters’ Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, early in the American Revolution. | |
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Second Continental Congress Called | The Second Continental Congress was a convention of delegates from the Thirteen Colonies that met beginning on May 10, 1775, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, soon after warfare in the American Revolutionary War had begun. | |
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Articles of Confederation Passed | The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, customarily referred to as the Articles of Confederation, was the first constitution of the United States of America and legally established the union of the states. | |
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Declaration of Independence | The United States Declaration of Independence is a statement adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies then at war with Great Britain were now independent states, and thus no longer a part of the British Empire. | |
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The Treaty of Paris | The Treaty of Paris, signed on September 3, 1783, ratified by the Congress of the Confederation on 14 January 1784 and by the King of Great Britain on 9 April 1784 (the ratification documents were exchanged in Paris on 12 May 1784), formally ended the American Revolutionary War between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the United States of America, which had rebelled against British rule. |