There’s a lot of focus on the events happening globally and the minutia around them all, many of them are “indicators” of the health of our global society but there’s also this inherent hope that someone is going to reverse things.
Prophecy is clear, society will degrade until finally a global leader will come along making all appear well and good (this is what they’re all hoping for) only to flip on them shortly after introducing the worst time in history of mankind. Keep in mind it’s someone everyone admires and loves…anyone come to mind?
Prophetically, we’re seeing the collapse of the global economy. I had the privilege of working at the Federal Reserve Bank here in America for the last 14 months and they are ill prepared to save the economy, instead they are focused on releasing their own version of a digital dollar (which will enslave you controlling all you buy and sell). On July 27th this year, the backbone in the US was started, it’s called FedNow. Second tier commercial customers are already receiving tokens instead of currency, although there is currently a 1:1 ratio that will change in the next year once it’s rolled down to the consumer.
The prophecy in Revelation says a days wages for a loaf of bread. Search the world…what’s the current economic situation? We’re seeing more than 40% increase in the Americas…it’s going to escalate rapidly in November, it’s part of the plan.
We saw a warning shot for plagues from the Wuhan release…this will happen again more drastically removing almost 1/4 of all mankind. We’re already hearing from BillG about a new variant of Ebola that has a 90% fatality rate…remember, he held a private conference 1 month before the 1st case of the C-Virus and lo and behold it was a simulation of what to do when that would happen. They knew in advance and were warning their peers.
We know there’s an asteroid that is indeed much closer than ever (and we’re not even told the truth on this) which may indeed fulfill the wormwood prophecy. NASA has done a lot to close down information on it, but those of us that are amateur astronomers already knew. We also have a sight in the stars that only happened prior to WWI and WWII and is now happening this month. Venus is passing through Taurus. It’s prophetic and an indicator. Search the first chapter of Genesis, the stars in the heavens were given to show us “signs” so we would have a clue.
I can only speculate about who that is but if we read scripture he will be someone everyone loves, adores and idolizes… He will usher in the next character that will ultimately pull it all down. Remember whoever it is that comes speaking great boasts, peace and then ushers in peace…they are the evil one…no matter how much you may have loved them, they are not your friend nor fighting for you.
If you study scripture we run in cycles of 7 and 50 year increments. Shemitah and Jubilee cycles. We just entered the last Shemitah of the 6th millennium on March 24th this year. If this is accurate, only a very short time from now that one who everyone idolizes will take center stage and then subsequently it will become devastating for all mankind.
The cycle ends in the year 2030. Although technically the cycle ends near Passover in 2030, it could actually be earlier aka the fall feasts which include Day of Atonement (aka Judgement Day) in 2029.
Many christians have abandoned the feasts as their leaders have stated (wrongly) that the OT is defunct and no longer applies. We see all Yeshuah (aka Jesus…there’s no J in Hebrew his name is Yeshuah) taught was from the instructions handed down from Moses. Nothing new. He even said that He brought nothing of His own, only what the Father had given.
There’s no “new teaching” in the NT, just a walking out of what was commanded at Sinai in our presence, showing it can be done, then giving us the ability to accept His sacrifice in our place so we can begin to walk with forgiveness and obedience. Scripture repeats the command “Shema” which is “hear and obey”. That’s never changed and what’s worse, they all say that they are perpetual (neverending) so the church leaders teaching this are apostate, or just can’t read the Bible.
Remember in every instance when someone had an encounter with Yeshuah where he met or healed them, his instruction was always, “go and sin no more”…this means go back, read the Torah (aka the books of instruction found in the first 5 books of the bible) and then show me you love me by being obedient to them.
It’s not hard…he said, my yoke is light…compared to the instructions laden on people by religious leaders of the day and now today, it’s simple. Summed up in only 2 statements:
- Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and strength
- Love your neighbor as yourself.
On these two hang all the instructions found in the Torah
The coming time is going to be one of great trials for everyone. I wish no ill on anyone, but we’ll have to be very cautious in our walks, helping as we can and ultimately being prepared to face prison (we were told this would happen) for our beliefs.
I was a follower of the Nesara/Gesara/Gaia belief for a while thinking things could indeed be reversed and turned back with a debt jubilee, but we need to realize that this isn’t the prophetic plan for the next 7 years. many people will harp on the abused scripture, “ man knows the day or hour..” that is true for the end of all things, but not true for Yeshuah’s return. Just like the wise men knew when He was coming and sought Him out, there are those of us that have studied (for me 8 years) eschatology and have come to a ballpark of 2030. There’s enough prophetic proof, including Jubilee cycles, Shemitah cycles, the death of King David, Yeshuah’s crucifixion and the prophetic declaration that after 2 days He would raise us up where a day is a thousand years. You can learn more from the YT video series Messiah 2030. Examine it in light of what it presents and determine your own conclusions, not those of your church. This Hopium is just that, hopium. It’s blinded people from getting ready, thinking they have someone that’s going to give them all they desire…the reality is they have prepared themselves to starve in the next 7 years.