Admiral Claims Obama Planned Benghazi Along With America’s Enemies

February 19, 2014

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Admiral Claims Obama Planned Benghazi Along With America’s Enemies

Robert Rich

February 18, 2014 8:50am PST

There has been a lot of speculation around the Benghazi incident that resulted in four American lives lost as the government continues to shroud themselves in as much secrecy as possible.  As it remains unclear as to why the government isn’t telling Americans exactly what happened, a retired Admiral has come forward to bring the picture into focus.

According to retired Four-Star Admiral James Lyon, “the attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi… was the result of a bungled abduction attempt…. the first stage of an international prisoner exchange… that would have ensured the release of Omar Abdel Rahman, the ‘Blind Sheik.’”

(See also: Newly Released Map Shows Heavy Naval Presence In Area On Night Of Benghazi)

He recently discussed his feelings and the countless other options that Obama and his administration could have made in response to the attack on Fox Business’ “Lou Dobbs Tonight” show.  The Admiral insists that Obama—as well as his administration—are responsible for the deaths of the four Americans as they did nothing to save them.

The general thought here is that Obama sought to plan and execute an operation in order to promote himself and give him a bump in the polls prior to his second term election.  The thought was that the ambassador would be captured and held for randsom allowing for Obama to swoop to the rescue and save our fellow Americans.

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In doing so, he would have to free a well known terrorist—although some speculate that this is secretly a major one of Obama’s interest—but at the end of the day, he would come out the hero.  However, things went terribly wrong when the operation got out of hand.

(See also: BREAKING: New Benghazi Report Includes Info That ‘Some People Are Going to Be Upset About’)

Rioters entered the scene and as mob mentality took over, the complex was overwhelmed, taken over and its occupants were killed.  During the heat of the moment, Obama was so ill prepared as the situation unexpectedly took a turn for the unseeable, that he just froze in his leadership duties.

During that time, Obama’s only solution was to let things play out so that he was not implicated in anyway—after all, there must be something they could blame this on (an anti-Muslim video perhaps).

The Admiral, fully explaining that there were many options on the table, stated that Obama shirked his responsibilities as President and actually allowed for Americans to be mercilessly slaughtered.  Lyon relayed that in Italy, just two hours away—one by jet—was a Marine Force Recon unit totaling 130 deadly soldiers.  Saying that within the hours that the attack was happening on the consulate, there was no reason these men couldn’t have been flown over to save the embassy, the ambassador, and the soldiers inside.

He goes on to say that there were other things Obama could have ordered that could have at least temporarily disbursed the crowd and bought valuable time—for instance flying a fighter jet over the mob in full afterburner.  This would create a sonic boom overhead, and most likely resulted in the crowd scattering—for a while at least.

(See also: New GOP Site Reveals Benghazi Info That White House “Doesn’t Want You To See”)

Instead Obama sat in his office and did exactly nothing.  Allowing for Americans to die is not only negligent but treasonous and should be treated as such.

What do you think—do the Admiral’s claims hold any water? Let us know in a comment below!
