Assignment of National Security Emergency Preparedness Communications Function

July 10, 2013 3:22pm PST

It seems like every day this president is looking to grab more power for himself. This time he’s attempting to take on the power to take over all communications in the country in the case of an emergency.

Now, one assumes that by “emergency” Obama means “threats to his power,” but there you have it.

According to Marilyn Daly of, Obama signed an executive order expecting to give the Department of Homeland Security the power to shut everything down just when you’d think that we as citizens would need information the most; during a crisis.

The EO is titled the Assignment of National Security Emergency Preparedness Communications Function (You can see the EO on the this website).

The EO begins saying that, “The Federal Government must have the ability to communicate at all times and under all circumstances to carry out its most critical and time sensitive mission.”


The order goes on to describe a new interagency working group assigned the duties of developing the new process of taking over all communications in the US in times of trouble to entail “the coordination of the planning for and provision of national security and emergency preparedness communications for the Federal government under all circumstances, including crisis or emergency, attack, recovery and reconstitution.”

The order also says that the working group will enlist the assistance of communications companies to create the new system so that the government can take over at any time.

“Such communications must be possible under all circumstances to ensure national security, effectively manage emergencies and improve national security,” Obama says.

When one sees how this President has used the various arms of his government to coerce others to do his bidding or face attacks from him, one shudders to think what this might mean to our communications companies.

And, of course, this is the same Department of Homeland Security that was found to have been buying an army of tanks and billions of bullets and racks of firearms.

That, along with an FBI that is now using drones against Americans, and we have a federal government gearing up for war… but against whom? Against us, maybe?

Obama certainly isn’t looking for real terrorists, after all. He made sure that no Mosques in the US are surveilled even as the rest of us are all being snooped upon.

How much more power does this guy need, anyway? You tell us below.
