April 21, 2014





IF anything, there has been a rock solid effort – over several decades – to divide the United States of America into “opposing” sides; a purposeful creation of fissures, which will eventually lead to civil war.

And though time marches on, revolutionaries seeking to upend America are very much alive, agitating for a second go around. The issue of slavery was the catalyst for the first one, but there are many ways to enslave people, aside from the most obvious. Slavery can be a physical manifestation, or a shackling of ones personal initiative and responsibility. Never forget this. 

{Abraham Lincoln}

  1809, abraham lincoln, hodgenville, kentucky

From the leftist’s revolutionary perspective, anything which divides America is a “good” result. Thumbs up…fist bumps all around…This is precisely why decades of “divide and conquer” has been simmering on a slow boil, at least since the 1960′s, when their radical foot soldiers set foot on America’s campuses
Along this vein, purposefully sparking racial discord (paradoxically, racial crimes were the underlying factor to the first civil war, a war which had to be fought and won…but that was then…and this is now) has been a sine qua non to sowing the seeds of discontent. The Radical-in-Chief is a master in this racially divisive domain.
That being said, what does the aforementioned have to do with Obama Inc.’s stoking the fires for a civil war, and the Bundy Ranch stand offas its staging ground? Well, the principles behind implanting time bombs, here and there, are quite similar. Be they racial fires, “typical” class warfare messaging, or pitting those who hold to the Constitution against others who want to rip it to shreds, pressure points run along a continuum…from low…to medium…to high.
ENTER: the infamous “Rules for Radicals”. Saul Alinsky, its author, a freakin’ evil genius. Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s (Hill’s too, and many of their cadre) guru, at least in the community organizing realm. The “how to” creator of “organized” chaos! 
So, as is the wont of most dedicated radicals, the Revolutionary-in-Chief has worked assiduously (and not being a typical hard worker, his efforts required much commitment and discipline) towards applying pressuring points, over his first and second terms.
Pressure Point One:
His first term stoked the ground for racial fires, letting “certain” folks know he (and his entire gangster regime) had their backs. His second (ignominious) term elicited more of the same. Concomitantly, the gimme, gimme, perpetually aggrieved crowd understood that the POTUS “felt their pain”, and whatever outrages they pulled, well, jail time would not be an end result. How “deserving”. How “fair”.
Pressure Point Two:
More pointedly, the Radical-in-Chief gave carte blanche for Federal forces to view themselves as militarized storm troopers, posse comitatus be damned. By ensuring that DHS and its umbrella agencies viewed patriots as “domestic terrorists’, how shocking was it that the BLM behaved as such:

Obama’s national guard placed bulls eyes on patriots:a path to gun control and worse!

DUE to all the above and so much more, perspectives by counter terror expert Dave Gaubatz, re “red line” indicators of an American civil war, must be taken VERY seriously. Few have the “boots on the ground” experience, in this very arena, as does this outstanding patriot. 
Where Are Obama and Holder During a Pending Blood Bath In Nevada?
11 Apr 2014
By: Dave Gaubatz
A few weeks ago I wrote an article about the potential of a civil war in America. While in Iraq it was very easy to see that a civil war was going to happen.  It did. Hundreds of thousands have died in Iraq during the past 10 years.  The signs are now in America and innocent Americans could be murdered by out of control Federal Agents in Clark County, Nevada.
Where are our great leaders such as Obama and Holder?  They sure aren’t standing up for the Constitution of the United States.  Why aren’t they on every major TV channel in America trying to calm the situation brewing in Nevada?  Neither Obama or Holder will get involved in a potential blood war because the victim’s and their supporters are a majority of White people.  They are not Black.  I may be wrong but if Holder can stand up and imply he and Obama receive more negative attention while in office because they are black then I can call this situation as I see it.
During Obama’s 5 plus years he has had no problem getting involved in state level investigations when the victim was Black.  He inserted himself into a minor investigation in Cambridge when local police received a call about a potential burglar in a house.  The local police were simply responding to a call and doing their job.  Obama said, “the Cambridge police acted stupidly”.  He held news conferences and had no problem personally getting involved in a low level non federal investigation (and no one was hurt).  Obama got involved because the accused was a White police officer and the alleged victim was Black.  Obama later apologized and had a beer with the police officer.  Exactly what an example our children do not need to see or hear about.
Now we have a Rancher in Nevada whose family has lived on ‘Nevada Property’ since the mid 1800′s and Federal Agents are on the verge of killing innocent people as they killed innocent children in Waco, TX.  There have been reports that armed militia members are en-route to Nevada to stand up for Rancher Bundy.  Again I ask where are Obama and Holder when they are needed to potentially stop Federal Agents and innocent Americans from engaging in a battle that could kill many, and could be the trigger for a civil war in America.
I travel all across America and if I still worked for the Federal government I would write an investigative analysis and say our country is on the verge of a war between American citizens and the U.S. government.
My analysis is there is a strong possibility Obama and Holder want the ‘range war’.  Keep in mind the ranchers and the majority of their on ground supporters are White and militia members.  My analysis would further state it appears our federal government leaders want a blood bath.  This could help the liberal and communist agenda of both Obama and Holder.  Marshall law could be established by Obama and a federal crackdown on any American who owns firearms and who opposes the Obama regime.  This is what their ideology has been since they took office.  For many years the U.S. government relied on my analysis of major domestic and international situations.  They should now.
I had always been proud of being a U.S. Federal Agent, but if I were in the Nevada ranch dispute, I would consider it dishonorable to target innocent Americans trying to protect their property that has been in their family a hundred plus years.  The Federal Agents on the ground should be ashamed and resign.  The Sheriff of Clark County Nevada should get off his sorry ass and help the citizens under his jurisdiction.
Conclusion: A civil war in America is imminent.  It will happen sooner than most Americans could ever imagine. The poor at best leadership of Obama and Holder is shameful and the murders of innocent people in Nevada could be prevented…if that is what he really wanted.


Pointedly, this site has consistently warned about a predictable looming danger, emanated from turning otherwise benign Fed agencies (initiated to terrorize those who oppose Fed overreach), as well regular police forces, into de facto MILITARY state readiness. So, why is everyone so shocked at the GROWING menace: The United States of SWAT! 

MOST significantly, a civil war allows dictatorial leaders (even those elected “democratically”) to declare “martial law”; the prerequisite for totalitarian rule. Believe it – or not. It’s your freedoms on the line. Quite possibly, your funeral(s)!
