Disney – ABC Reports False Numbers on Children Shootings

February 14, 2014


In a recent report called “Young Guns: A Diane Sawyer Special,” ABC News falsely claimed that one child is taken to the hospital every hour, a victim of an accidental shooting.

Host Diane Sawyer said in the lead in, “Every hour, a child is rushed to an emergency room because of gunshots.” Correspondent David Muir, then intoned, “453 of those children die at the hospital.”

However, in 2010, the latest year for which statistics are available, just 36 children ages 10 or under were shot and killed in accidental shootings, out of 41 million children. And 24 of those were not shot by other children, but by adults with criminal records.

The false statistic has created some controversy among ABC’s viewers. Some viewers are questioning the trustworthiness of ABC’s quoted statistics while others feel that it was a simple mistake. Either way, mistake or not, the difference between the false statistic and the true statistic is quite large.

A more thorough debunking of the ABC report is done by The Blaze’s Dana Loesch here.
