Letalvis Trial: Knoxville Black Foot Soldiers & Crips Vow “Trash Cans & Railroad Tracks” Penitentiary Protests

5 blacks raped, tortured and murdered Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom in 2007. After raping and torturing Christopher they shot him and dumped his bound body at railroad tracks. After raping and torturing Channon they stuffed her into 5 trash sacks until she slowly suffocated inside of a trash bin. The 5 were convicted and imprisoned and guess what…the black community protested and “reenacted” the murders by taking trash bags to the same house and tracks where the crimes took place. They demanded “justice” for the convicted. Sound familiar? Why is it that every time blacks are convicted the black community protests for “justice”? Because they were black. It never once occurs to these disgusting beings that their hearts are the same color: black. If I were black I’d be absolutely disgusted with my own community. These blacks give the rest a horrible name. If Spanish people were acting like this I would tell they are a sick race and make me disgusted to call myself Spanish. The same goes with whites. I don’t care what color you are this type of behavior warrants you a front row seat in Hell. -Dom

Letalvis Trial: Trash Cans & Railroad Tracks Penitentiary Protest, National Black Foot Soldiers & Crips (Knoxville Black Foot Soldier Thomas Searcy)




 Knoxville Black Foot Soldiers, Crips & GBR Community to (Re)Kill, (Re)Rape & (Re)Sodomize Effigies of Channon Christian & Christopher In Protest of Letalvis Trial; 2nd (Re)Kill, (Re)Sodomize & (Re)Raping Protest

Knoxville Ghetto Bragging Rights gathered, this weekend, to (re)kill Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom in effigy.

The event, which took place at a location community members have asked not be named, is said to be the result of unfair sentencing of the Knox5’s Eric Boyd. (Link)


Letalvis, Lemaricus, George & the Knoxville 5; Penitentiary Protest hits the Streets

“We gon’ be like Jesus,”St. Thief vowed in a prepared statement about the Penitentiary Street Protest the grassroot movements have planned for the trial. “Hypocrisy will not know when we are coming; but we will be right on time.”

Thief, who is quoted as saying, “KNOXVILLE WHITES CERTAINLY don’t DESERVERVE TO KNOW WHAT THEIR HYPOCRISY SMELLS LIKE” is currently declining requests for interviews.

“Do the COs know when the inmate with the FECES SMEAR or URINE BOMB is waiting,” Searcey asked, adding that “WE WOULD never DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT. “We will only sing “We Shall Overcome.”
