Our borders are far from secured…Ms. Napalitano is a liar

This sort of thing is happening EVERY HOUR of EVERY DAY. I saw this first hand making They Come to America II, only we caught them before they became your neighbor.

Mixed in the group will be gang members, drug pushers, maybe an Iranian or two, and people who are coming here to grab amnesty, aka, your job. Here is the thing… the picture is NOT taken at the border. This is 100 miles into Texas. There is NOBODY stopping these people on the Rio.

This is why I say on TV, “If I were the President I would call on the National Guard to stand on the border TODAY. Not in ten years.” Any Senator, any Representative, or any TV personality that even blinks at the idea of giving these people our citizenship is anti-American. How I’d love to be in charge. This problem would end in 24 hours.

(Photo credit goes to Rita from TX)
