SHOCKER! Americans Killed Unjustly By Police Exceeds Americans Killed In Iraq War

November 26, 2013


Cops have now killed 5,000 Americans unjustly, many in no knock raids which are up by 4000% and often are at the wrong address, since 9/11.  By contrast 3500 Americans have been killed by insurgents in Iraq.  The average American is 8 times more likely to be killed by a cop than by a terrorist.

In addition, the Cato Institute has determined that police involved in sexual assaults is double the rate among the general population.  Domestic violence attacks are 2 to 4 times more likely in a policeman’s home than the general population. 

If officer involved killings were prosecuted as murders, the rate of murders among cops would be 472% of the rate of the general population.

Do not be surprised if Al Qaeda begins to infiltrate the police where they can kill more Americans without the fear od repercussions.
